A Broken Summer | Teen Ink

A Broken Summer

October 18, 2018
By neumeva22 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
neumeva22 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once we arrived at the place, I could smell the freshly cut grass And the exhaust from the engine. Once I knew I was ready, I hopped out and tied the red razor scooter to the back of the golf cart. I walked the scooter back to tighten the rope between me and the golf cart. I told my brother to start going. As we were going, I could feel my speed increasing. I tell him to slow down, but he only speeds up. I'm starting to get the speed wobbles on the scooter. I notice a crack in the road ahead of me, I'm going so fast and not sure what to do. I decide to jump over the crack. Which felt like jumping the grand canyon, While I’m halfway through the jump I realise that this was not a good idea. I land down on the ground but not with a scooter under my feet, Just concrete. My legs land first and then my arms. A crack comes from somewhere from my body. I try to getup as fast as I could but here comes the pain. The first thing I notice is that my brother didn't realize I fell so he kept driving. Then I noticed all the blood among my body. Connor soon notices then turns around. When he gets to me I get inside the golf cart, and he gets the scooter. We are going as fast as we can back to our home. My knee has a bloody hole in it about the size of a quarter. My right arm is a lake of blood. And I could feel the road rash all along my back. We get to the house, I hobble to the bathroom as fast as I can to wash off the blood. It doesn't take long for my mom to come in and notice my injury. Little I know it was much worse than I thought.

We get most of the blood off but the worst part was my knee It took about 3 towels of blood to slow down to a point where we could put a bandage on it. The rest of the day was just terrible. My pain shifted from my leg to my shoulder I thought it was my road rash from my back so I ignored it. Night time slowly came It was uncomfortable to lay down and get up so I was basically stuck in my bed of nails all night. I probably only got 2 hours of sleep that night. Morning slowly came and I had to have my parents help me out of bed. My parents seeing my pain just in bed made them decide to take the me to the hospital. In the car every bump in the road hurt extremely bad especially in my shoulder. I’m getting worried that my shoulder had exploded on the inside. We get to the hospital and the doctor tells me that I broke my collarbone. He said it was the worst break in a collarbone he has ever seen. It was a clean break and one half of the bone fell under the other. Him describing my injury to me scared me every sentence he spoke. Just having the thought of surgery scared me to death. It was a 75% chance of getting surgery depending on how well it healed and I would find that out a month later. Fast forward a month and I got extremely lucky that I didn't need surgery. I may not of been able to do anything for the rest of summer. But It wasn't  that bad, I could still swim, in anything below my waist. And that's pretty much the only thing I could do summerish. So this is the story of the most boring summer of my life.

The author's comments:

This is a story about the time I broke my collarbone, in this you will see my emotions and feelings going through my two days of how I broke it. What I want the reader to get out of this story is, don’t break your bones.


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