The Cup | Teen Ink

The Cup

March 5, 2013
By hipstcalista BRONZE, Litchfield, Arizona
hipstcalista BRONZE, Litchfield, Arizona
4 articles 4 photos 1 comment

Stranded in the scorching heat of the endless pit of sand , I stood clueless. For miles, I searched the emptiness of the desert. Wishing for a savior to rescue me, but only piles of golden specs to create sandy hills laid amongst the atmosphere.

Several miles passed, as I screamed, “Help, help, help!”

Still, not a single soul answered me. My cries remained unanswered. My constant debate on whether to lose hope enraged to higher extents. Until I came across the Red Solo Cup.

Now, you may ask, “What is a Red Solo Cup doing in the midst of Egyptian territory?”

For you to understand, we must revert back to the beginning of this story.

6 hours ago...

“Calista, wake up!” my mother shouted.

I awoke to my panic, and hurriedly began dressing for school. Then, I scurried down the stairs of my house in reach for my backpack. However, I halted because of my sense of realization. In remembrance, I figured out school required no session because it was Saturday.

Since it was Saturday, my entire family existed far beyond my house, including my mother. This voice? Who’s might it be? The closeness in tone to my mother’s voice contained a strong resemblance. I fumbled through the rooms of the two story house, in a frightened search for the facilitator of the voice. Not a single sign of my mother’s presence showed.

“Bye, now” the voice murmured.

My ear felt the source traveling from the front door. As I steadily tiptoed to the door, I felt a surging rush of regret tremble through my body. Through the entire journey, the feeling remained mutual. The first experience in this journey began with my finding of the mysterious cup that I retrieved when I opened up the door. As I picked the cup up, I dropped it within a nano-second because a lime green swoosh of light zipped across my driveway; which resulted in the vanishment of the cup.

Puzzled, I headed toward the ultraviolet ray. With quickness like a racecar, the impossibility for me to catch up arose. Soon enough, I gave up. Instead of continuing the strenuous chase, I decided to head over to my sister’s work. As I stepped into the pharmacy drive- thru, I explained my discoveries to my sister.

“ So I was like totally freaked out. This thingy ma jiggy told me to wake up, and I thought it was mom. After, I went outside and this lightsaber stuff took the cup away.” I began.

In reply she stated, “Um.. A cup?”

“Yeah,” I answered, “a talking cup.”

“Hmm, okay. I don’t know what kinda’ mental talk you’re speaking about. If this is some weird way of you trying to ask for Starbucks, the answer is no.” she replied.

Hopeless, I cried, “What? No, I...”

She interrupted, “ I’m trying to work here. See ya’ at home.”

As I turned in disappointment, something caught my eye. It was the Red Solo Cup inside of the pharmacy pneumatic tube . (A capsule pipeline in which cylindrical containers are propelled to transfer credit cards/medication) I rushed toward it, only to see it get sent away. I then noticed the car next to it, and I jumped on top of it. Before I could get a glimpse of this driver, a hefty security guard yanked me off the the also green convertible car. After I was thrown to the ground, a man in an Alien suit studied the scene with a smirk on his face. Then, he took a drink out of a Red Solo Cup.

I bolted straight toward him, and chased him through the parking lot. After thirty minutes of an endless “cat and mouse” chase, I ended up in the Rancho Santa Fe Elementary School courtyard. I peered to my left, not to find the Alien suit man, but to my third grade brother.

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

I answered, “No, the question is what are you doing here, mister?”

“I’m here because my school’s having a fundraiser. Now, answer my question, stupid.” he responded.

“Who cares,” I spoke, “Where the heck is mom?”

“I don’t know. Dad dropped me off.” he replied.

I then asked, “So then where’s dad?”
He pointed to my father, who passed out fundraiser flyers to passing be children. I scurried towards him.

“Dad,” I yelled, “Where’s mom?”

“huh?” he questioned, “I thought she was the one that dropped you off here. Well, if she’s not here, then you need to operate the lemonade stand for this fundraiser.”

I then stepped away from my father, and started towards the lemonade stand. As I took a seat at the stand, my first customer approached me. The alien suit man stood before my eyes.

“I’ll take a cup of lemonade.” he demanded, “I’m pretty thirsty after chasing a teenage girl for half an hour.”

Ignoring his remark, I asked “Why are you in an alien suit, you freak of nature?”

He barked, “Use some manners, kid!”

“You’re one to talk, creepy abductor!!” I bellowed.

“I feel so offended, yet you’re fifty percent correct. This isn’t an alien suit, but I am an abductor.” he exclaimed.

“Listen, bro. I got 911 on speed dial.” I contended.

“Not for long,” he roared.

With a blink of an eye, my body violently dived into a lemonade stand cup. (yet another Red Solo Cup.) Pitch blackness of a tornado swallowed myself. The struggle to breathe strengthened. The darkness then disappeared and a bright fluorescent light blinded me. SLAM! I hit the ground with a thud. For a while, I layed there, attempting to regain my vision. As iI lifted my abdomen up, I felt tiny bugs crawl up my arms and legs. In a fright I leaped into the air, and proceeded with a chicken dance panic. However, as I peeked down, I noticed the pieces were not insects, but grains of sand. I peered to my left and right. I proceeded to search for any sign of life.

For miles, I searched the emptiness of the desert. Wishing for a savior to rescue me, but only piles of golden specs to create sandy hills laid amongst the atmosphere.

Several miles passed, as I screamed, “Help, help, help!”

Still, not a single soul answered me. My cries remained unanswered. My constant debate on whether to lose hope enraged to higher extents. Until I came across the red Solo cup.

A voice shouted, “Calista! Over here!”

“Mom?!” I yelled.

“Yes, it’s me.” she replied.

I ecstatically asked, “Where are you?”

“In here!” she complained.

As I picked up the cup, I seen my mother, in miniature sized condition.

“What the? How’d ya’ get to be the size of a little lego guy?” I questioned.

“I honestly have no idea.” she muttered.

“Well, well, well. Looks like Calista found her mommy at last. Now everyone will live happily ever after. WRONG! That’s not how it works in my book, sista!” the alien suit man screeched.

Two more alien suit men firmly grasped my mom and I.

He explained, “Okay so let me explain. Calista, you go on to become president of the United States in the year of 2033. With your leadership, America victoriously discovered us aliens. At the time we were violent creatures.”

“At the time!?” I interrupted, “ You kidnapped my mother and I, and you’re probably gonna’ murder us!”

WACK!odf39 One of the aliens smacked the living daylight out of me. I fell silent, in order to avoid more pain.

“ Since we ARE so violent, the Americans decided to kill all of us, except they never found my tribe tribe of 100 aliens. I just don’t get it. The stupid Americans are as violent as us. They allow ignorant hillbillies to run amuck with guns, killing innocent people, animals, and ALIENS! Anyways, since they forgot my tribe, we created a time machine” he continued.

He then slowly approached me, and whispered into my ear, “I traveled back in time to capture your mother, in order to get to you. It worked because now you’re in the palms of my hands, so I can kill you. Muahahaha. With that, you’ll never be president and never find the aliens. Any last words?” he maliciously added.

I proceeded, “How about if I make a ping pong ball into this Red Solo Cup, you’ll let me go.”

“Okay”, he agreed “You’ll never make it.”

As a sweat drip poured down my nervous face, I grasped the ball in my outstretched arm and shot the ball. AS I though “I never thought a game of beer pong would save the world”, the ball fell into the cup. After the shot, I eliminated the aliens, and my mother and I jumped into the time machine. My mother returned to regular size, and everyone lived happily ever after. For now...


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