A Bad Person | Teen Ink

A Bad Person

October 2, 2013
By Anonymous

There was a guy named tommy alls he did was work. But no matter how hard he worked he just couldnt keep up with his bills. Well one day he was walking down the road and he saw someone robbing a store and he thought I wish I could make that much money .He said to himselfe I can. A couple of days went by and he thought about robbing a bank he said to him sefle I need the money I need to support my family I got power bills and water bills and much more. so he maade a plan he had worked on his plan for a whole year then he finially went throw with it. His plan worked he robed a bank and got away with it for years bought a brand new house and they best toys for his kids he got a new job that pays alot butone day the FBI came to his house and arrested him. he went to court and was found guilty everyone called him a bad person but he said he wasnt because he did it for his family but then he relized that he is a bad person becasue not only did he steal from other people but he did the worst thing of all he is making there kid grow up with out a dad.

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