One Escape | Teen Ink

One Escape

February 3, 2014
By Kevin9191 BRONZE, Mountain View, California
Kevin9191 BRONZE, Mountain View, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“There is only one escape left!” said the agent, “the window.”

A team of special agents had been assigned to rescue 30 people from a laboratory on the 110th floor. There escape plan had gone terribly wrong as the building caught on fire and with the police after them. The fire had burned all exits available except for the window. It was only moments until the building collapsed and they would all die.

So the team of five agents smashed the massive 17 by 20 window. They had brought emergency equipment and had inside it had 11 parachutes. Agent Rob gave out ten parachutes to the “lab rats” and put one on for him. He taught them quickly and they all jumped. They held hands so they would stay close. Unfortunately, one of the parachutes were already burning and it caught onto the other parachutes. The chutes quickly burned and left them to fall to their doom. Agent Steve heard the yelling and looked down to see a giant puddle of red splattered across the ground. He cringed and then thought of a bizarre idea. If the blood puddle was deep enough, they could fall in it with minimal damage. He told ten of them the plan and they agreed. They jumped and a few seconds later SPLAT! The moment their feet hit the ground, their bones cracked and collapsed. There was now a pile of bones, organs, and tones of blood in a pile. The blood puddle was only about five inches deep. The last ten knew the fire was raging and was it minutes until the fire would devour them.

The last agent alive was in shock and crying. He just witnessed his two best friends dying from a jump.He just couldn’t take it anymore so he jumped head first saying, “I’m joining you!!” All that could be heard on the 110 floor was a crunch. The last en panicked until they heard a sound of someone screaming. It was a cry of help from a man. One guy rushed into another room that was burning and found a man laying down. It was the man who kidnapped him.

“FOOL! You have fallen into my trap. If I die, you die with me.”

Then, the door shut and caught on fire. The kid ran at the door and kicked and kicked and kicked and kicked. The boy pleaded with help, but no one responded. The fire was way too big for anyone to hear anymore and consumed him alive.

The other nine were starting to get worried. It had been five minutes and there was no sign of him. Then suddenly, the ground gave in and they fell down into a cubicle where the walls were on fire. One of the children reacted quickly and told the others to jump as hard as they could so the ground would fall and they would go down. The fires were moving forward and the space was getting tighter. The lack of oxygen made them weak. It was only moments until they would be dead.

Then suddenly, rubble from above came down and crushed the floor. They children went down at least 60 floors until they reached the main office.

“Put your hands up and back against the wall! And fast!”

It was the police. They heard some commotion upstairs so they set up an outpost on the main floor and set a huge cushion of the floor. Their plan had worked.

“Now, I believe you are the suspect for this arson attack. Come with me in the car and we’ll have a little discussion.”

The children put their heads down in disbelief and walked in with the officer.

The author's comments:
I was required to write a short story and submit it.


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