my life | Teen Ink

my life

November 20, 2014
By swagmaster23yourmom BRONZE, Central Point, Oregon
swagmaster23yourmom BRONZE, Central Point, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;ball is life&quot;<br /> -swagmaster

Nearly every day after school I would ride my bike on the cracked sidewalk through Jacksonville to my friend’s house. That is where I found myself today. We headed out to the new concrete slab just put in a week ago, and started to shoot some hoops. I stepped back to the three point line and let the cracked leather ball lose. I watched the ball spin in the air, but it didn’t find its mark. It deflected off the rim, and sailed over the wire fence into the canal. This canal was very unordinary; it seized to have water in it for the past ten years. Instead of water, thick green and red blackberry bushes filled the canal. It was a cheep ball so I didn’t plan on getting it, but it would be wrong to lose my friends ball and not even try. My friend said “I doubt this will work but I got an idea”, his short legs took off and in a minute he was back with a long black pole.
“What do u want me to do with this” I said.
“Just try to nock the ball to where I can reach it” he said. I grabbed the pole and started trying to hit the ball out of the canal, but it was to far away. I got closer and tried to do it again, but I guess I got to close because the gravel under my feet gave way and I fell into the canal. I felt sharp pains throughout my body, but didn’t see any blood because I didn’t dare move my head. The bright yellow sun shined on my face making me sweat. Every slight move brought pain. A quick jerk of my body brought pain, but gave me a better view of where I was at. I saw my friend laughing at me and heard him say “that sucks”. I grabbed the cracked ball and threw it out to my friend, it hit him in the head because he wasn’t paying attention making me laugh. I bit my lip almost hard enough to make it bleed and I stood up. I walked to the edge on the canal, each step bringing a new pain. When I got to the side I grabbed the shiny black berry bushes, and crawled out. My hands were destroyed and covered with blood.
“Well that little adventure was not worth an old ball but it was worth a good story” I said.

The author's comments:

fricken awesome!!!!!!!!!


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