Name Essay | Teen Ink

Name Essay

September 26, 2018
By 0mills BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
0mills BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name means “God is my oath”. My parents are Catholic, I never understood religion. My name is dark pink, like a rose. The number 7. It’s short, simple. It sounds like the chatter of several people speaking at once, deafening, ringing in my ears.  To me, it’s an old name, something my parents must have liked growing up; I don’t like it.

I’m not named after anyone. I think my parents chose it because it was popular during their time. My brothers have better names. Andrew and Alex. I wish my name was something a little more common. I’m glad I got my name over my dad’s idea. My dad always liked the name Alyssa, which is uglier.

I don’t have any nicknames or anything fun about my name. There really isn’t any nicknames you could call me, my name is too simple. Maybe I remind people of their past; all the other people with my name. All the other people I’ve known with the same name as me have been cranky and older. I don’t want to be cranky and old.

At school, the substitute teachers never mispronounce my name, I guess that’s a positive. I’m not confused with any other people in my school, unlike all the Claire’s or Emma’s, but I don’t like my name. I would pick something a bit more common, like Sarah or Kayli.


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