Natalie's Flute sings a Differnt Tune | Teen Ink

Natalie's Flute sings a Differnt Tune

January 12, 2011
By poet4 SILVER, Arlington Heights, Illinois
poet4 SILVER, Arlington Heights, Illinois
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As Natalie’s flute I see how hard she practices every day. Hours and hours of scales and rhythm exercises accumulate and really wear me out. She plays repetition after repetition after repetition. She spends a lot of her time locked up in her very purple bedroom and she stays up into the night hours practicing. She is definitely a night owl. Her practice style is very diligent and she doesn’t stop until every note is right. Her fingers move very quickly through the fast runs and it tickles some times as her fingers press down on my keys. She always makes sure that she produces a clear, pretty sound and tunes me just right. The only down side is when she brings me outside for marching band. It can be really brutal in the heat all day. The worst is when it rains because my pads under my keys get all dirty and sticky. Natalie always makes sure to clean and polish me though. The most rewarding part of being Natalie’s flute is being there as she performs a concert or an audition. I can tell she gets nervous by the way her hands shake or how her fingers get slippery. At the time of her performance, her confidence overpowers and she plays from her heart. It is obvious from my perspective that Natalie loves music and her passion flows through her playing.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 11 2011 at 5:07 pm
Natalie Clare BRONZE, Ballwin, Missouri
2 articles 6 photos 2 comments
woah. really good. :) and hey, my name's natalie and i play flute. weiiiird....