The Squirrel and The Bird Fable | Teen Ink

The Squirrel and The Bird Fable

April 6, 2013
By Vannah0430 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
Vannah0430 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.&rdquo; <br /> ― Bob Marley

In the woods lived a squirrel and a bird. They were the very best of friends. They loved to play and if they had a choice they would be together all day. In the spring they would chase each other up the trees and play hide and seek behind the leaves. In the summer they would go for a swim and splash around and pretend to be fish.

But then in autumn when the leaves would change color and fall. The little birdie had to say goodbye to her best friend the squirrel, so she could fly south for the winter and go where it would be warm. This made the little squirrel very sad. She knew it would be hard to enjoy the winter snow without her best friend there to play.

Then when the winter finally came the little squirrel just moped around all day. Her mama tried to get her to go out and play with the other little animals who lived in the woods. But the little squirrel new it wouldn't be the same without her friend. As days grew shorter and the nights grew longer and the weather grew colder, the little squirrel became very depressed. She wondered if she would every see her friend the bird again.

Then one day when the weather had warmed up a bit and the new fresh green grass was peeking through the white melting snow. The little squirrel looked up and to her surprise her best friend the bird was flying high in the sky.

Moral: Goodbye does not necessarily mean forever.

The author's comments:
The moral of this fable is that goodbye doesn't have to mean forever.

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