the spoon | Teen Ink

the spoon

November 24, 2014
By chanceandcolton BRONZE, Elkins, Arkansas
chanceandcolton BRONZE, Elkins, Arkansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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im old gregg

   One day I was walking through the woods, and out of nowhere something hit me in the head. I was knocked unconscious. When I woke up, I was in a cabin. In the cabin there was a man with a spoon. He had this crazy look in his eyes, like he was going to do something with that spoon of his.
   The spoon was kind of rusty, so it looked pretty old. Anyway, forget about the spoon. There was a crazy man with a spoon standing over me. I was scared he was going to kill me with a spoon. I don’t want to die from a rusty spoon. Out of all the ways to die, I was going to die from a spoon.
    Just as I thought I was going to die, some cops busted the door open. They were heavily armed. The crazy guy with the spoon tried to run, but one of the cops shot him in his leg. He fell to the floor and dropped the spoon next to me so I grabbed it and I threw it out the window. The crazy man was taken away to jail.
    I don’t know what happened to him after that, but I’m glad I got away without a spoon in my side. I just hope the guy doesn’t find a way out of jail. Let’s hope no one gives him a spoon. If someone does, he will most likely find a way out and come looking for me.
   The next day I was sitting on my couch, and I heard a knock on the door. I got up to answer it, but when I did nobody was there. It struck me as odd, but I just thought I was hearing things. I went and sat back down and I heard it again, so I went and opened it and again nothing. I heard it one more time on my way back to my couch, but I ignored it.
  Just as I sat down again, the power went out. So I just thought I forgot to pay the bill until I saw who was outside my window. He was holding a spoon, but he wasn't the crazy guy. He was a kid from down the block. So I called his mom, and I was left alone. Finally, I felt safe.

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cjmayes SILVER said...
on Feb. 20 2015 at 10:14 am
cjmayes SILVER, St. Paul, Arkansas
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

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(dont got one)

Im Old Gregg!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2017