Fan fiction stories written by teens | Teen Ink

Fan Fiction

Most discussed Fan Fiction

By EMarie GOLD
Joplin, Missouri

It was late autumn and the air was stale and crisp, just like the ground below. The wind seemed to whisper gently to the trees; singing a soothing lullaby, lulling them to sleep. T...
EMarie GOLD, Joplin, Missouri
19 articles 7 photos 23 comments

Favorite Quote:
Courage comes in all sizes, but fits only a few.<br /> What is wise is not always right and what is right is not always wise.<br /> Knowing what is wrong and right is not choosing which to fight.<br /> -All of these are by me

Coronado, California
Storm R BRONZE, Coronado, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
bandityoshi BRONZE, Mokena, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment
By Will Shipman BRONZE
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts
Will Shipman BRONZE, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment
By Anonymous
By M.Coolio SILVER
Eureka, Missouri
M.Coolio SILVER, Eureka, Missouri
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments
By EMis1123 GOLD
Hilliard, Ohio
EMis1123 GOLD, Hilliard, Ohio
16 articles 0 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;You might as well ask an artist to explain his art, or ask a poet to explain his poem. It defeats the purpose. The meaning is only clear through the search.&quot;<br /> ~Rick Riordan<br /> <br /> &quot;What you do, the way you think, makes you beautiful.&quot;<br /> ~Scott Westerfeld

By TheEmcee55 SILVER
Sisters Oregon, Oregon
TheEmcee55 SILVER, Sisters Oregon, Oregon
7 articles 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Whatever you are, be a good one.&quot;

By tahir GOLD
El Cerrito, California
tahir GOLD, El Cerrito, California
17 articles 0 photos 25 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;the beggar can be the king as the king is the beggar&quot;