Fan fiction stories written by teens | Teen Ink

Fan Fiction

Top voted Fan Fiction

#261voted by our readers
By EMis1123 GOLD
Hilliard, Ohio

Vampires. Surely not. In the instant allowed to me, I studied the expressions of Sam Uley and Billy Black. They were serious. Worried, anxious looks crossed their faces, before...
EMis1123 GOLD, Hilliard, Ohio
16 articles 0 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;You might as well ask an artist to explain his art, or ask a poet to explain his poem. It defeats the purpose. The meaning is only clear through the search.&quot;<br /> ~Rick Riordan<br /> <br /> &quot;What you do, the way you think, makes you beautiful.&quot;<br /> ~Scott Westerfeld

#262 Fiction
By Anonymous
#263 Fiction
#264 Fiction
Amer-Nae PLATINUM, Maynard, Arkansas
29 articles 0 photos 23 comments

Favorite Quote:
Why try to fit in when you were born to stand out?

Daughter_Of_Hades GOLD, Paragould, Arkansas
12 articles 4 photos 1 comment
#266 Fiction
By Optimiste SILVER
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Optimiste SILVER, Fort Wayne, Indiana
9 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
And the chill of what I won&#039;t feel gnaws at my present heart.

#267 Fiction
By CrystalDagger GOLD
Colorado Springs, Colorado
CrystalDagger GOLD, Colorado Springs, Colorado
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments
#268 Fiction
By Anonymous
#269 Fiction
Maryk PLATINUM, Waterford, Michigan
22 articles 1 photo 66 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;The ability to learn is greater than the ability to teach.&quot; - Arnold Jacobs<br /> &quot;He who slays monsters will become a monster himself&quot;-Nietzsche<br /> &quot;UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot nothing is going to get better its not&quot;-Dr.Suess<br /> &ldquo;They are poor, especially for the player, I think it is very difficult to have auditions and find a suitable way to judge, because we have a great many talented players to choose from. This means a lot of heartbreak for the people who are very capable.&rdquo;-Arnold Jacobs, Teacher and Tuba Player