The Last Night | Teen Ink

The Last Night

May 16, 2018
By gracepopham BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
gracepopham BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Diary, tomorrow wilt beest the day at which hour I am finally free of this imbecile the people of Rome desire to crown king. We nobility hath allowed Caesar to obtain the amount of power that he consumes now; therefore, tis our duty to take it away from him. It hath taken many hours of plotting, but I hath managed to round up a team that wilt not only get the job done but will maketh look honorable to the people of Rome. This plan would not work if it were not for Brutus’ partaking in it, which is why ‘twas so crucial for me to deceive him into joining the conspiracy. Brutus hath voiced his opinions many times to the group, and I am not fond of his constant need to inform us of his thoughts and plans. I need not fret any longer now that everything and everyone art in accordance with mine hand to take down Caesar. I cannot wait until the moment at which hour I will drive mine knife through that tyrants’ back. The gods doth not expect me to kneel before a man such as Caesar. I cannot comprehend how the people of Rome tolerate that sir on a daily basis. All of mine hard work at recruiting these clueless people wilt beest ov'r by tomorrow. Caesar wilt no longer be above me in power, and no one else wilt for that matter. The only worry that I hath is that one of the low-minded conspirators of the group such as Casca may cause a dilemma. I must not worry myself at this hour because I needeth to receive some rest so that I can beest on high alert for tomorrow in case a problem should foil mine plan. No problem should arise, however, because I hath worked everything out that poses a threat. One must, at each moment, prepare for anything especially in these dire circumstances. Tomorrow wilt beest the day that I cleanse Rome of the tyrant that would surely be her demise.

The author's comments:

This is a creative essay written in the point of view of Cassius. Cassius is writing in his diary on the night before the Ides of March when Caesar is to be murdered.


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