Sleepless | Teen Ink


November 7, 2018
By Memelord1738 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
Memelord1738 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just because my path is different doesn't mean I'm lost. -Gerard Abrams

He is sleepless lying in bed with his phone out watching a youtube video.  His eyes slowly close but he catches himself. He puts the phone away and lies facing left in bed.  He lies there and closes his eyes but can’t seem to fall asleep even though he was just about to fall asleep.  He lies in bed for another minute until his bed sheets become warm and he throws them off. He tosses around in bed for a couple more minutes lacking the ability to sleep.  He then climbs out of bed down the ladder back to the ground and he walks out of his room. He looks back to see his brother sound asleep. He walks to the kitchen and drinks some water and climbs back into his bed.   He tries to fall asleep once again but then has the urge to use the restroom. He tries to convince himself that he does not really need to go. After a couple of minutes going back and forth between going and not going, he finally gets back out of bed and goes into the bathroom.  Once he finishes he climbs back into bed. His dad comes over and mumbles something about devices in bed and radiation. The boy completely ignores it and tries to fall asleep. He finally thinks of nothing and without even noticing, drifts off into a long slumber.

The author's comments:

I tried to capture the difficulties of sleep while keeping the story as realistic as possible.


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