Consumed by a Fire | Teen Ink

Consumed by a Fire

June 21, 2009
By Riffleb09 BRONZE, Jackson, Ohio
Riffleb09 BRONZE, Jackson, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One day I will start a fire I cannot stop. One day my friends will not have the water to put it out. I will one day be away from everyone I love and trust I will no longer be able to lean on them for support. I will no longer be able to call my best friend to come pick me up when I'm feeling sad. She will no longer live two minutes from my house. We will be hundreds of miles apart and I cannot stop this. This day will come soon, and I will have no way of preventing the flames from consuming me.

One day my destructive personality will catch u to me. My experiments with substances parents warn their kids about will hurt me. I will be the girl you hear about that made all the wrong decisions in life and regrets them daily. I will no longer be able to do what I want. I will have to learn to take my own advice.. Everything I have ever said or done will need me to pay my debt. I fear this day, for I know I deserve whatever comes. I know that I will be the end of myself. My personality will result in my demise.

One day all the lies I have told will come to find me. Like smoke during a fire they will rise to the sky for everyone to see. Giving everyone a warning of this girl. The girl i call myself. The one they all compare to fire. For he resembles the flames Wild and out of control. Unable to be tamed even by a pack of men. The lies I tell are never found out. This I fear because I know one day I will tell on myself. I will be my own worst enemy. I will be the back-stabbing friend. I will be the friend who has no water to put out the fire. I will be the reason this forest of my life will be burnt down.


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