Diamond | Teen Ink


December 7, 2010
By I.Hrty PLATINUM, Palm Coast, Florida
I.Hrty PLATINUM, Palm Coast, Florida
30 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
All I can do is just be me, whoever that is.<br /> -Bob Dylan

Arms crossed to show respect of some kind, laying there breathing heavy, face subtle, and blank. Cars lights illuminated his body and shadow. He sensed its glow and heat. I stood silent, waiting for his voice to come through, but he dozed. Rearing him with automobiles front crossed through my conscious thinking of his Hyde. A day like another time and a man appears onto my life. Job, kids seem meaningless compared to the stranger.
“Sir, you mind moving out of the way, this road is for people in a hurry?”
Leaning forward with his moaning and strength he walked over far and stood, back turned. I drove off into the highway, from my mirror he was moved back into his place, hands over chest.
I had found a diamond, and covered it with dirt.

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