Meteor | Teen Ink


February 29, 2012
By KrazyKas SILVER, Everett, Washington
KrazyKas SILVER, Everett, Washington
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&#039;Don&#039;t cry because it&#039;s over, smle because it happened.&quot; <br /> ~Dr. Suess

Sapphire eyes become glassy and fragile like pieces of ice. Sticky saliva is swallowed down his scratchy throat as he stares at his epitome of happiness. Swirls of color tattoo her body like a glorious masterpiece, the low-cut dress clinging to every curve in her slender body. Thick luscious cinnamon hair crawls gracefully down her back, unfolding like a blooming rose. He takes her soft white hand and brings it to his lips, tasting, inhaling the addicting sensation of her dessert scent. His vocal chords are lost, unable to find the words. The faded sign of a concealed wildlife park mirrors the paradise of their desires. Surrounded by Mother Nature. A collision of heat and smooth skin grasp each other with unspoken fondness, tingling through every nerve in his thin body. Fine dirt and a mixture of weeds and stones spread over the winding path. Towering emerald conceals the ground on both sides; millions of diamonds. Translucent shimmering water envelops an oval hole to their left, trees exploding like puffy clouds. He clears his throat and spits out the perfected words. Captured in time.

The author's comments:
A male perspective on his first date :)

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