A Pup’s Lifes | Teen Ink

A Pup’s Lifes

September 26, 2013
By Love_LeeLee SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
Love_LeeLee SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

So there I was, fast asleep as the sun slowly shined through the blinds. It left a soft warming glow on me and my siblings faces. This warming glow slowly crept up our bodies as the sun rose higher and higher in the sky. I yawned as I opened my eyes; the sunlight illuminated my big Caribbean blue eyes. My tongue stretched out as my mouth widen. I leaned forward arching my back as I stretched out my paws.

I looked around as more sunlight came into the crept into the room, illuminating all the colors and the pictures on the wall as it did. My brothers and sisters were still sounds asleep, their chest rising slowly up and down with every breath, their noses twitching every so slightly once in a while. “Ring! Ring!” The silence that had once filled this peaceful place was shattered and replaced with the sounds of excited barking dogs that were very happy to see the shop owner.
After he came through the door, he placed his thing on the counter and bent over to grab the bag of food that was on the bottom shelf. He came toward my pin and filled up the many food bowls that were lining the side of the pin with the contents of the bag. I never really knew what was in the bag, I guess I was too young to understand, but what I did know was that it tasted great. We all ran toward the bowls to eat our breakfast as he filled up our water dish with fresh water.
Like always I was last to reach the food, so I had to wait until my greedy siblings finished scarfing down their meal so I could eat their leftovers. This always happened, no wonder why I’m the smallest and skinniest compared to them. Since I couldn’t get any food I decided to go drink some water then lay back down and wait patiently. As I was waiting the owner of the shop looked toward me and said “Awe, what’s wrong little fella? Are you waiting your turn so you can get something to eat? Are you hungry?” I looked up at him, “No,” I said sarcastically, “I’m not hungry at all. I’m just this small and this skinny because I’m trying to lose some weight.”
He just looked at me as if he couldn’t understand. So I repeated myself and then I realized why he couldn’t understand. As I repeated myself, all that come out were little high pitched barks. There was no point in continuing this conversation so I put my head back down in disappointment. I guess I was wrong because in the next few seconds he put a bowl in front me and it was filled with food! The sad disappointed looked was wiped off my face as I scarfed it all down. After I had swallowed the last few bits, I brought my head up to proceed to the water dish. As I walked toward it I notice something different.
The shop was filled with people! I sat down looking puzzled. How did all these people get in here? I didn’t hear the bell on the door ring. Then it finally came to me. I must have been so hungry and so into stuffing my face with food that I had not heard the bell ringing as people opened and closed the door. There were all types of people in the store. Some towered over others like huge tall skyscrapers while others were short like elves. Some were just as young as me while others looked old like the shop owner. This is what we all had been waiting on. My siblings had gotten a head start on trying to seduce the kids to take them home. I had to make up the time if I wanted my new home with my new family.
I grabbed the nearest toy and started to play with it, trying to attract as must attention as I could. When people looked in my direction I bark with joy and excitement to let them know that I had noticed them too. I batted my big eyes as they got closer so I would seem cuter, I wagged my little butt in the air as a wagged my tail back and forth to look playful, and I licked their faces when they picked me up to get an even closer look but to no avail. No one seemed to have wanted me.
It was now late, I say around 10:30and I was the only pup left in my pin. All my brothers and sisters were gone, off enjoying their new homes, new families, and new lives while I sat hear alone. I looked at my reflection in the water dish, were my eyes too big and blue? Was I too skinny? Was my coat too multi-colored? All these questions ran through the back of my mind as I sat in the semi-darkness alone and forgotten. I walked over to my bed and lay down as the owner headed to the door. He looked at me as he walked out and said “Maybe next time little fella.” As he turned the key in the lock and walked off. “Yeah, maybe next time.” And I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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