The Dancer | Teen Ink

The Dancer

May 6, 2014
By happyface623 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
happyface623 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

she twirled a few times, she made a few jumps,and then you hear a thump on the ground the dancer had fainted. She lie unconscious on the ground, no movement in her body. A few moments later someone walked in the front door and found the dancer on the ground passed out. He held her tight and tried dialing 911 but his hands were shaking hard to keep control to press the numbers. Another few moments later the ambulance came to the door step and took the dancer and put her into the truck. When they got to the hospital the ran a few test and found out the dancer had cancer and didn't have long to live. The day she died her dance shoes were buried with her. Her tomb stone said her lies the dancer 1997-2014

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