Small Wonders | Teen Ink

Small Wonders

May 16, 2014
By TiaraP BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
TiaraP BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A whole is greater than the sum of its parts. It's the same with people, only with people the whole could be less."

Mia couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face as she sang her last note.

She picked a solo from one of the saddest scenes in the play to audition with so she could really showcase her emotional range, and she’d done fine in the beginning of the song, but as she neared the end and realized what she just accomplished she couldn’t stop smiling.
With the release of her last note, she closed her eyes, and took in the pitter patter of applause from her little audience. I did it, she thought and tears stung behind her lids as she realized what an accomplishment that truly was. When she opened them again she saw her best friend Brooke, front and center and on her feet, clapping and smiling almost as big a smile as her own. She laughed as the tears threatened to spill over. She didn’t want to get too emotional, especially considering this was only the audition. Even if she didn’t receive even the smallest of roles, she would be happy just knowing that she overcame her fear and did her best. , because it’d be really embarrassing to be all emotional at the audition and then not even get so much as an understudy role. Then she saw that Brooke was not the only person on her feet. In the middle seats directly in front of Mia, stood the drama teacher, Mrs. Briggs clapping and smiling admiringly.

Mia was floored. Out of all the auditions she’d attended over the years, hiding in the back rows because she’d been too scared to audition herself, she’d never once seen Mrs. Briggs stand up for someone.

“Young lady,” she said, yelling slightly so the auditorium wouldn’t swallow her voice, “where have you been hiding?” Mrs. Briggs smiled and sat back down. Mia laughed again, but only because she couldn’t find the words to say anything. “That was really quite good,” Mrs. Briggs continued then she began flipping through Mia’s application, “especially for someone with no experience in the theatre arts?” she asked peeking up at her from the tops of her gold framed glasses. Mia shook her head, smiling proudly. It was true, she’d never so much as portrayed a tree in an elementary school play, but somehow she knew the stage was where she wanted to be. She figured it’d always be a dream considering she could hardly stand a classroom full of eyes on her let alone an auditorium full, but she loved to sing and she was a really big liar as a kid so she figured acting wouldn’t be too far off. So there she was.

“Yeah, this is my first time ever doing anything like this.” Mia replied. Mrs. Briggs nodded and smiled knowingly, as if she knew exactly what Mia went through to get to the top of that stage. Perhaps she too spent some time hiding in the back rows of auditions.
“Well Ms. Mia, I’m glad-

Suddenly the double doors bursted open, bringing in the harsh light of the setting sun along with a slew of laughing teenage boys. Mia squinted her eyes and blocked the light with her arm as Mrs. Briggs, and everyone in the audience turned their attention to the back of the auditorium as the boys made their way down the aisle. As they neared, Mia could make out their faces. Nathan Harris, Joshua Chambers, and Nick Daniels, in all of their obnoxiousness, lead by King Obnoxious himself, Ryan Ellis.

That last one made Mia stomach churn; there was no one in this world she hated more. Ryan loved tormenting Mia, whether it be for her dark complexion or her wild and untamed hair, he always had something to say and she never had anything smart to say in return.
The three boys behind Ryan each had their hands on one of Ryan’s limbs pushing him toward the stage while they laughed. Ryan was resisting, but also laughing and when he saw that everyone was staring at him he quickly sat himself down in one of the aisles. His entourage followed suit.

Slowly all the audience members returned their attention back to Mia and Mrs. Briggs tried her best to continue, but the newest additions to the audience refused to quiet down. Everyone of Mrs. Briggs compliments were drowned out by either a laugh or some loud talking. Mia was on the verge of screaming when suddenly, Ryan sprang up from his seat and raised his arm.

“I’d like to audition, Mrs. Briggs!” , he yelled. Before he even finished the others were clapping and laughing uncontrollably, one of them was even rolling on the floor. While he laughed and his arm still raised he motioned for them to quiet down. Mia rolled her eyes.

“He’s joking, Mrs. Briggs.” Mia said, hoping it was obvious. Ryan gasped dramatically and put his hand on his chest with a fake hurt expression. Mrs. Briggs looked up at Mia and smiled and then turned to Ryan who had started laughing again.

“Mia that was very nice why don’t you come down and take a seat.” She said with her eyes on Ryan. Mia reluctantly left the stage. She couldn’t believe it was looking like Mrs. Briggs was really going to let him audition and he was cutting her compliments short as well.

As soon as Mia made it down the steps she locked eyes with Ryan. She hoped her glare looked as menacing as it felt.

The author's comments:
This is an excerpt from a bigger novel I've been writing. Would like some feedback on how well I'm doing.


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