A Day of Bliss | Teen Ink

A Day of Bliss

October 16, 2014
By hanrahan BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
hanrahan BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wake up with no motivation. This wasn’t new, but today I just could not make myself go through the boring routine of zombie walking through my house to get ready for another day in prison, otherwise known as high school. My mom was already gone, and the house was empty anyway. I realized I could use this to my advantage. There was no need for school today, not in my world. I got up and dressed quickly with a burst of excited energy, thinking of my open day awaiting me to do anything I desire. With a full tank of gas, and the intention of skipping out on a long day in hell, I was in no rush to end my open day of bliss. I climbed into my car, and sped away with no real destination on my mind. With my windows down, music blasting, and no one around, I just drove, and enjoyed the ride.

Sometime later, I found myself parked In front of the beach just in time to watch the sunrise paint the sky in colors of peace, and love. I got out and walked to down to a small breakfast café, and bought some food before I came back and sat to feel the first rays of sunshine warm my face. Then, I drove to the board walk, and just people watched as I wondered around with no purpose. A young mother treating her playful, and happy children to ice cream. An older couple that had obviously been together since a young age sat comfortably on a bench feeding the birds that gathered around them. Plus a creepy man was walking around with a stalker looking mustache staring a little too intently at me; I left at that point, not wanting my light mood to be ruined.

After, I drove to my favorite hideout, the library. There I picked out an old favorite book and reminisced with it as I read for hours. When I was finished and all warm inside from walking down memory lane, I left to go catch a movie in theaters. As I snacked on junk food and popcorn, laughing so hard my stomach and face hurt from the comedy, I felt content and carefree. When the movie was over, I walked outside to find it was getting dark, so I drove to the river, with the intension of watching the sky once again paint itself with colors this time of hope and inspiration, and then peek through the holes to heaven as I stargaze. When the moon was finally high in the sky, and I could no longer keep from yawning, I got back in my car, already dreading the ride home. Knowing my mother was possibly going to kill me as I stepped through the front door, but looking back on my day I regretted nothing and was thrilled I had taken the day off for myself.


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