Tired of being Hurt | Teen Ink

Tired of being Hurt

May 4, 2015
By TheBlackPoet567 GOLD, IN, Indiana
TheBlackPoet567 GOLD, IN, Indiana
13 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is a struggle requiring optimism and confidence

Don't women ever get tired of being hurt? Whether it's by the same guy or a different one each time that claims they're not on the games, promising that they would never hurt her. The only reason she still tries is because, she believes in love. Yet when the hourglass is tiped over minutes pass by and, the only word that pops into her head is why. Why did he hurt me? Why does it have to be this way? Why is there no love in the world? All she wants is love and respect but, it seems that she is looking in the wrong places; not following the voice that created her kind heart and innocent soul. She ask God to send her a sign but, she doesn't even regonize the alarms that were ringing in her mind. Alarms that said don't believe him. Don't fall so hard yet she ignored the truth and suffered the aftermath of her fall. Aren't women getting tired of being hurt? Yet in public we are the new polished trophy but behind closed doors we're the servant instead of the queen. God didn't intend for women to beg on their knees to just keep a man, to be able to have a pair of arms to lay in. He created us to be able to norish the sick, feed the young and, be the queen to our kings. Yet we still invite the hurt and pain inside. So women stand up for urselves by being sucessful and making something of urselves. So when that man that hurted you sees that you're shinnning without his light, he will fall to his knees saying baby please. Even though revenge is bitter sweet the best revenge of all is being happy and, walking along side with the almighty. 

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