A night in Toronto | Teen Ink

A night in Toronto

October 14, 2016
By cesarnava BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
cesarnava BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Anthony was chilling in the park with his friends on a quiet evening in the deep neighborhoods of Toronto. His friends, Andre and Andy, were playing basketball while Anthony was on the side talking on the phone to his mom. “But mom, I don’t want to go to Aunt’s house,” he explained, “Andre and Andy are playing basketball and they’re waiting for me to join them!” he roared. Anthony left his phone in the bench, mumbling something as he joined his friends.
As he joined, Andre said, “Anthony are you good man? You seem a little uneasy, maybe you should take a small break to release all that tension from earlier with your mom,” he stated. “I’m okay Andre, don’t worry.” Anthony replied. “How about we put on some Drake music to calm down and get motivated?” Andy suggested. “Sure, why not?” Anthony replied. Andy turned on his speakers and started playing some Drake music, starting with the song Views. The music and the boys started playing until the sun went down and the park lights turned on. “Hey guys, I have a question for you two,” Andre said. “Have you guys done anything you aren’t supposed to, like, maybe smoke something other than Smarties and things like that?” Andy and Anthony were a little surprised by the question and Andy said, “I been thinking about trying to do that.” Anthony stayed quiet knowing he shouldn’t be doing those kind of things. He thought about heading to his aunt’s house, not far from the park, and avoid doing anything he wasn’t supposed to do. At the same time though, he wanted to experience new things. He thought of the things that could happen if he tried, and also thought of the sensations that could have been brought. At the end, he decided to leave and avoid any problems that could affect him. “Guys, I have to go. I, um, have to go to my aunt’s house to do something important. Please, make sure you two don’t get caught. I don’t want to see you two behind bars tomorrow.” Anthony said. As he walked off, Andre and Andy shouted,” No worries, we’ll be fine! See you tomorrow!”
Anthony was walking down the dark, quiet street heading to his aunt’s house hoping his mom wouldn’t destroy him. He knocked at the front door calmly and his aunt opened the door. Anthony stepped inside and his mom was sitting in the living room with a very special guest. Anthony was surprised he became a brick of ice from his amazement. “Drake! What are you doing here?!” Anthony exclaimed. “Your mom brought me here to meet you and your family. Now come and sit down and join us in the conversation.” Anthony joined them in the conversation, hours passing by like the wind until midnight. Suddenly, Anthony’s phone went off and it read, “Andre’s mom”. As soon as he noticed, his heart bounced outside of him hoping nothing bad happened. “Hello … What?! I’ll be there in a bit.”
Anthony bounced out of the house and ran as fast as he could ignoring his surroundings, focusing on the park. The police were there along with Andre’s parents, Andy’s parents and a few spectators that came together like a swarm of flies. “What happened?” Anthony asked breathing heavily from the sprint. A spectator responded by saying, “Two teens were caught by the police doing drugs so they ran away trying to escape. They ran into the woods and a gang of clowns attacked them losing their lives. I saw the clowns, I saw them run and take off in a pickup truck.” Anthony had a mix of emotions from hearing what had just happened.
Drake, his aunt and his mom rushed to the park and Anthony explained what had just happened with tears in his eyes. Anthony sat on the curb until everyone left, except for Drake who decided to play a small game of basketball to cheer him. As they were playing, a car pulled up and four clowns got out with weapons and one said, “We’re here to play a game, why don’t you join us?”

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