Last Hit | Teen Ink

Last Hit

October 14, 2016
By Andres876 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Andres876 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Why is it whenever we start something, it is hard to finish.  Ending a game while your team is losing by one point and having so much pressure on you to win the game to score the last two runs. The whole team watching, waiting to see what you will do.  It’s like time slowed down, everything in slow motion. I watch the ball come towards me. I think to myself and know that this game depends on one hit. The pitcher tall but throws like a bullet. Looking confident he watched the catcher as he throws the ball. Waiting for it to make it into his glove.
I remember all the practice I have done all the time I have spent practicing for this one pitch. As the ball is coming towards me I know that all I have to do is hit it, and it would score the last two runs giving me the most RBI’s in the league and winning the game. The ball was thrown and I swing at the ball, strike one the ump calls. I step out the batter's box thinking to myself that I have to focus. I step back into the box and got ready. The pitcher winds up and throws the ball. I swing at this fast ball and fell the contact. I run off to first base only to be sent back because it was a foul ball. The score was 9 to 10, a man on 3rd and on 2nd, 2 out, no balls and 2 strikes. I step back out of the box, everyone cheering hoping that one of the teams would win. As soon as I stepped back in the box and got ready, it was all dead silent. As the last game of the night we were all tired but ready for the last pitch of the day. Both guys on base got a lead off base and ready to run.  Ready at bat, I was nervous. The pitcher throws the ball as hard as he could, and I swung at the ball as fast and hard as I could. At that point time slowed down for me. I saw and felt the ball hit the bat. I watched it slowly move in the opposite direction of me. As it left the bat it went up and high. I stood there for what felt like hours, and walked slowly to first base I kept watching the ball. Both guy on base made it to home base, and the ball was falling into the outfield right under center field. Not even halfway to first, I stop to watch the ball. I know that if the outfielder catches the ball we lose if he drops it we win. To me I felt like the ball was falling as fast as a feather. Center field ran back a couple of feet, almost to the fence. Once the ball landed, I walked back knowing that you can’t win them all. The ball landed right in the catcher’s glove, he just stood under it and waited.

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