Paths of negative and positivist | Teen Ink

Paths of negative and positivist

October 14, 2016
By angel2fly BRONZE, Grand Prairie, Texas
angel2fly BRONZE, Grand Prairie, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Weak, fragile and laying in bed with a life that is crumbling before him. Let’s go back to the beginning before all this started. It all started at Mario's Pizza store. Where these two young men met, but these mean had something very strange about them. They were almost the same person they have everything in common but , The biggest thing that really made them had different paths is their view on life. Lary which is the person that see life in a negative way and it seems like nothing goes right for him. Philip has the view on life that is positive and bright and everything has a message behind it.
The reason they met at a Mario’s is because Mario’s just open a week ago and they needed to delivery people. Both of the young men needed jobs so they saw the opportunity and they both sent in their resume. They both got the job and they both reacted differently Lary just went home and sat on his couch and was bummed that he had a job at a pizza store. However, Philip was excited that he got the job and was proud of himself and he couldn't wait to work. It's been a couple of months of them working at Mario’s and they got in a car accident with each other. Lary started to panic and said he was so sorry for what happen and Philip said,” it’s okay and don’t worry all of these will get sorted out.” These two young men how relationships  with their girlfriend for over a year. However, their girlfriends broke up with them the same day but again how they took it was very differently. Lary took it so bad he got depressed and quit his job at Mario’s. While Philip took his time to get over and he did hobbies to get his mind off things. Philip got over here and kept working there and he got a promotion. Lary just got more and more up site and just stayed in his room not talking to anymore.
One year has past and Philip is now looking for college he would like to apply for. He finished high school with a 3.40 GPA and has saved all his move from working at Mario’s. So we decided to help his family pay for his college and he is majoring in business. Lary stop caring about grades and school and starting shutting out his family. He also starting talking to the wrong people and got himself into drugs.Lary life tumbled down a hill.
Now it is four years later and both of their lives changed drastically. Philip found his love of his life in college and they got married his third year of college. Philip just graduated college with a master in business and is ready to start his own Pizza store and other business on  the side. How for Lary his life went downhill he and he never finished high school. For the money, he would sell drugs and he still lives with his parents. Lary still has problems with depression and never got help because he never talks to anyone about it.
Three more years has the past and Philp has three big business that he started. Also, he has a family now and they live in his dream house. Lary on the other hand still live in his parent's house and still sells drugs. Lary's depression got so bad he  took some pills to commit suicide as he lays in bed and reflects on his life tears start falling like a waterfall. One year later Philip has sold one of his big business for a million dollars while he still has his two other business working for him. Lary passed last year and there is only one thing that people remember about him is that he was never positive. 

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