Unlawful Accidents | Teen Ink

Unlawful Accidents

October 14, 2016
By Anonymous

Why does this always happen? Once again I've put myself in a situation that I can’t get myself out of. It all started with a simple robbery & now I'm sitting in this jail cell awaiting trial. The plan was to just go in, get the money and go, but things changed when Ced got a little too excited. Everybody knows little Mrs.Shirley is the wealthiest and eldest widow on the block but no one has ever thought to rob her – with the exception of Ced and I.
We’ve known her since we were babies, so doing this hurt us, but we didn’t care because we were rebellious young teenagers. The night of the robbery I tried to convince Ced that this was a bad idea, but he did not care. We both knew the amount of money Mrs.Shirley had and being that she was an elderly woman we knew we could get away with it – so we thought. In our all black and ski masks, we got our plan together and crept up the back steps of Mrs.Shirley's home, I had a gut feeling that something was wrong, but I pushed it aside because we were about to be banking.
Frightened, dismayed, and terrified I walked up the old creaky steps of the home. Since, we were both well aware and familiar with, Mrs.Shirley was the neighborhood “grandmother”, so I knew everything about her, which made this process a lot harder because it seemed as if I was robbing my own grandmother.
As we crept through the old squeaky home, we were careful to not make any noise, and get straight to the stash. I knew where the money was, because Mrs.Shirley has told my mother where she puts it, in case of an emergency, so getting the money would be easier – so I thought. The money was located in Mrs.Shirley's, office which was located right next to her room, which meant we had to be very quiet. As we entered the office we went straight for the money, which was easy.
We collected all of the money and I was ready to get out as soon as possible, but Ced had other things in mind and decided to be curious. I noticed while we were there Ced had his eye on something in particular that wrapped in a black bag near a bookshelf in the corner. I noticed Ced walking towards it, “Cedric no! Let’s get out of here!” I said in a quick whisper, “No! Don’t you see this, it has to be something worth hundreds, maybe even thousands” he semi-yelled “Come help me get it down” “No! Just come on” I said in a yell-whisper, “forget you, I’m getting it down myself”.
I watched as Ced struggled to get it down, but he eventually got it. As he dropped the black bag it made a loud “thud” on the ground, and at that moment I knew we were caught. We quickly hid under the office desk waiting to see if Mrs.Shirley would come in, after five minutes, no sign of Mrs.Shirley. We then got up, and at that point I wanted to leave, “I can’t do this anymore, I’m leaving, “No, if we leave now we might miss out on some big money” Ced shouted. Then suddenly, we heard the door creak open, and suddenly Ced pulled out a gun, “CEDRIC! WHY DO YOU HAVE THAT”, I yelled “because we have to be prepared at all times, I didn’t tell you I was bringing it because I knew you’d freak out, I won’t shoot her just frighten her enough that she will let us make a run for it, now get behind me”.
Shook up and dismayed I slowly got behind him. As the door continued to open, there stood a petite little elderly woman holding a shot gun c***ed and ready “put everything back or I will shoot”. “NO!” Ced shouted. Hand on the trigger Mrs.Shirley slowly pulled her finger back, but before she could shoot, Ced fire a bullet out of his pistol, killing Mrs.Shirley. A loud shriek escaped my mouth as I rushed to Mrs.Shirley, “you said you wouldn't shoot!” “she was about ti kill us both, what did you expect me to do.”We soon suddenly heard siren lights, “she must’ve called the cops before she came in” Ced said now disappointed because he knew it was over. A small tear as I sat next to a now dead Mrs.Shirley knowing that I had messed up. As I walked into the courtroom, all eyes on me, I felt uncomfortable thinking about what the previous events that happened 3 months ago. Til this day, 3 months later, Ced and I still don’t know what was inside of the black bag.

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