Outcast Star | Teen Ink

Outcast Star

October 14, 2016
By jvcquelyn BRONZE, GrandPrarie, Texas
jvcquelyn BRONZE, GrandPrarie, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They simply just didn't fit in. Karisma got off of the school bus as usual heading to her art class. The kids in the back threw paper balls at her “why are they even in this class?” She asked herself. Oliver walked towards his locker, he was six feet tall and had a hard time trying to open his locker. 3,4,2,5...3,4,2,5...3,4,2,5 as he was putting his books in his locker while humming Duke Ellington “Take the A train”. He noticed a girl drop all of her books right next to him. He hesitated in helping her. He knew this girl, they called her ‘epilamesy’ he gave her her stuff back,she looked at him before he could say anything she was already walking to her next class. Karisma couldn't get out of her head what Oliver was humming, “ why is he always happy”.
  Chance was in his algebra class, when he heard noise in the next room ,he made it in there very subtlety. He waited for the girl to notice he was there. It was karisma. Chance saw that she was breathing heavily.”I wasn't trying to startle you”, “her voice was so dazzling” he thought. karisma was about to walk out the door ,“please stay with your voice we can make something amazing, i'll be right back, this is going to awesome” he pushed the joystick forward on his power chair and raced as fast as he could through the door.“The poor kids in a wheelchair, what could he be up to” she thought.Chance came back with a keyboard “ it's a Roland Gaia SH-01 synthesizer”. Chance played his keyboard, the music was so loud that he had to raise his voice to talk to her. “Sing what you were just singing” chance said “I can't” karisma said. Chance stopped the music “I've never sang in front of someone”. Chance was understanding, karisma was jittery and was unsure whether to trust him or not. They were to carried away to realize the bell had rang. Chance was so content he pulled out of his pocket a piece of paper and unraveled it “the music contest” “yea I know I dont think im going to enter”. “ how can you not your voice is so incredible we would make a great duo”.” here, think about it”.
It was a couple days later and the last day to enter into the music contest. It was lunch time Karisma noticed Chance coming up to her with a girl who seemed to vogue for someone she would normally talk to. He told her his friend Meredith would help them make them their costumes. Karisma was weary as they explained all the details to her. All Karisma could think about was Oliver and that tune she had stuck in her head. She agreed to do the show with one condition. Karisma always noticed Oliver dancing in gym class, she didn't think much of it until now and it all made sense.
Karisma was nervous peeking out the curtains to look out at the audience she knew they weren't going to be nice but she trusted chance. Chance rambled how amazing their performance was going to be up until this moment. It was the big moment karisma could see oliver swinging his feet left and right and one...and two...and three, she smiled when she was him so joyful. All karisma could think about was how the students, teacher, parents would react once they saw her on stage. She frantically hoped that she wouldn't have  a panic attack. They were up next the lights dimmed a radiant, soft orange it was karisma solo. She had on a red dress, chances music slowly started playing and the music got poppier, all of a sudden there he wa,s Chance in his wheelchair with his fabulous keyboard on his legs, on his wheelchair. Oliver appeared at his que swinging his legs left and right with wide open hands.The crowd seemed to love them, oliver was getting so excited, when karisma saw oliver, she then realized why he was always happy . “ Being unconscious is the ultimate disability” -Jessa Gamble.
The end

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