In My Feels | Teen Ink

In My Feels

October 14, 2016
By wysdom2001 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
wysdom2001 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“You are more than good enough for me. I don’t want anyone else but you.” He smiled as he pulled me into a hug but turns out it was all a lie. I thought about this exact moment just about every day after he broke my heart and left me so sad and angry. “He’s not worth you being sad, snap out of it! If he really cared about you he wouldn't leave you feeling like this!” My best friend, Samantha exclaimed. She was always the one to give me tough love even though it hurt I knew it was something I needed to hear. “I know but I can't stop thinking about him and it doesn’t help that I have to see him every single day!” I basically yelled. We are talking about Jacob, a guy who once made me laugh all the time but over this past month I just experienced sadness. We started off as really good friends, someone I could tell anything to no matter what. I was always there for him when he was going through the tough patches in his life or when a certain girl broke his heart. I liked him from the very beginning, but I didn't want to admit it because we are just so different and he talked to a bunch of girls in the past,. But you can't choose how you feel about people. He was talking to a girl named Desiree at first, but once he and Desiree stopped talking he started to flirt with me. Like right away and I didn't want to be a rebound so I told him it was best if we stayed friends. “I should have stuck to what I was saying about us just being friends but I couldn't help how I felt and the more I talked to him every day the deeper my feelings got” I screamed out loud expressing my inner thoughts “I'm not playing! Why do you torture yourself like this? Look at him!” Samantha pointed to him across the cafeteria and there he stood just laughing with his friends, dancing around, looking like he didn't have a care in the world. As I saw this anger just filled my body like hot air into a balloon. “I had so much fun with him at the movies and I was convinced that he had fun too. As soon as I got home he texted me telling me that he's sorry he didn't tell me while we were together but I looked beautiful. I had butterflies jumping around in my stomach as I squealed and rolled around on my bed. Then he told me how he was so confused on how I felt and that he really wanted to make a move just  the fact that he didn't want to make me uncomfortable which was sweet  but I really just wanted him to be more bold. He told me he now knew how I felt and that we should hang out again after school. I was so excited because at that moment I realized that I can admit I liked him and that I wanted for us to be way more than just friends. I literally fantasized all night on how our second date would go and I was really excited. Then the next day he texts me and tells me he doesn't think he should flirt with me anymore because he isn't sure if he wants to be involved with someone.“ I explained to Samantha. After this happened I simply told him that I liked him and if we couldn't be together I didn't want to talk to him anymore at all. I knew my feelings would only become stronger if I continued talking to him. After this time all I did was think about him and think about the situation, I overthink everything and I just kept thinking, what if’s. “You know he’s talking to Kris now, right?”  Samantha pushed me trying to get my attention. I sat and it felt as if the whole cafeteria was spinning, I wanted to fun out of there and cry forever. “I sat around and wasted my time and energy on someone who didn't even want mesa the reason he told me he didn’t want to talk to me anymore was because he wanted to talk to her!” I said with pure anger in hatred in my voice. “You're hurting yourself for someone who doesn't care about you. You have wasted your time and energy thinking about someone who wasn't thinking about you.” Samantha said softly. I finally truly understood what I needed to do, forget about him, it is time for me to focus on myself and stop giving my time and energy to someone who doesn't deserve it…

The author's comments:

This short stry was for me to express some of my feelings I have been going though after a recent event that has happened to me. This really helped me express my feelings by making a story about it.

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