Dream Crushing Monsters | Teen Ink

Dream Crushing Monsters

October 12, 2016
By Colorful28 BRONZE, Mancos, Colorado
Colorful28 BRONZE, Mancos, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

All your life you thought that dragons were just a myth. That was until you learned otherwise in biology. You were sitting in class thinking Couldn't she say something somewhat useful¨. Then you here her say something that made you have to think twice about it. She said that there was an animal called a Komodo Dragon. Are your ears playing tricks on you? No, they're not. She really said a Komodo Dragon! You the realized that it was only a big, fat lizard. Not a dragon, a stupid lizard! Then all of a sudden you get mad at the scientist or scientists that named it the Komodo Dragon, not the Komodo Lizard. Ugh! You think “Thanks scientists for coming up with a stupid name for an animal! You now what! That was the perfect idea for going and crushing any of my dreams that were ever left to be crushed!¨ Ugh! Now I hate any scientist that has to do anything with that stupid Komodo Dragon! They are all just dream crushing monsters! Ugh!

The author's comments:

It is really funny.

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