For My Stitch | Teen Ink

For My Stitch

October 24, 2016
By MisplacedMartian SILVER, Miami, Florida
MisplacedMartian SILVER, Miami, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

But my ring finger is still empty and my heart has jagged edges inside of it.  I love her so much and I don't know what to do about it.  I gave her everything and I know she didn't mean to hurt but she threatened to kill my best friend.  I miss her singing voice.  I would play recordings to my friends and they all said she sounded like Ariel and an angel had a child of love and joy.  I want her back, I want to text her during work breaks, I want to send her care packages of socks and homemade necklaces.  I want to tell her the transits of the planets and how they affect her directly.  I miss knowing that I was her confidant.  I'm scared for her abusive family with her stuck in it.  I know it's where my baby girl learned it from but it's not okay. she has to know that I cannot accept this.  She must stop it herself, no matter what it takes. 

I'm scared they're going to carry out their threats because those abusive pieces of s*** will twist anything around her to make her feel worthless.  She isn't a murderer, she isn't a thief, she isn't anything that these people are making her out to be.  She's feeding into it.  She has a record too, this isn't going to look good if she has charges pressed against her and she must be able to support herself.  She's going to be alone soon and it terrifies me.  I want her to be safe.  I want the girl my heart is screaming for right now, but I don't know where she is.  I can't find her.  I just want to take her home and keep her safe inside of my arms and keep her from everything that has ever tried to mold her into something that she would hate herself for.  What do I listen to, my brain or my heart?

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