Secret | Teen Ink


November 6, 2016
By Trippy.R BRONZE, Cutlerbay, Florida
Trippy.R BRONZE, Cutlerbay, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
if you arent slaying then what are you saying hunty

The typical person who would burst into tears out of nowhere , isolate themselves so people could possibly feel sorry for them give them a pat on the back tell them everything will be okay when in  reality it’s not . I have this friend who had a baby she was young for her age she was a party animal, she craved for unnecessary attention. Anna cut herself but as her supposedly best friend she didn’t share personal life things  with me .Anna would skip school ,sometimes showing  up high leaving school to go hang out with her 24 year old boyfriend . Anna was the type of person who would leave you out in the wind and tell you something completely different after she turned 17 she started changing wearing shorts and crop tops so it’s like almost as if someone could see her butt from a mile away dyed her hair turquoise &hot pink . When she got her mind clear and straight finally she quit her party life it wasn't meant to be after her 2 year old daughter died in a car crash .Anna would smoke pot  she'd tell you something different but you could tell she had just finished crying due   the puffiness and her eyes . Sometimes Anna would be all excited then sad, I really did not know how to help her but I thought she was bipolar or had anxiety but she was suffering from an illness due to depression she refused to take her medicine and passed away.

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