"Under Oath" | Teen Ink

"Under Oath"

December 6, 2016
By Diegov BRONZE, East Palo Alto, California
Diegov BRONZE, East Palo Alto, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

                                                             Under Oath
BANG! His body dropped onto the floor. Blood rushed out of his chest, and there he was, Joshua, my 18 year old cousin, lying dead on the street. Officer Thompson stood there, smiling that menacing smile of his. It made me want to grab the tracer-pistol out of his holster and shoot him in the head, just to end it all.
“YOU’RE GOING TO PAY YOU BASTARD! YOU WILL!” I shouted with agony.
I just sat there, letting the blood soak my shirt. Another one is gone, I had to leave. I had to make things right. 
1 month later
    Arriving back home from my last class, I tried to open the door but it was locked. Great, Mom and Al must’ve left. I lifted up the silicon cased mat looking to see if maybe there was a spare hollow-key, or as I like to call it my Way Into Happiness, that they had left in case I had come back home early. There wasn’t anything besides zinc flooring and the usual yellowback spider. I walked back down the steps and went around back to the yard. I opened the back gate and saw my best friend Derek looking through our back kitchen window.
“Jesus Derek! What the hell are you even doing here?!” I said startled
He jumped as he turned to speak . “Oh s***! Sorry man, the door was locked and I came here to see if anyone was home. Did I scare ya?” He had that goofy grin he always had when he felt that he did something funny.
“You f***ing scared the living hell out of me! You know I went to go visit my dad today at the graveyard, right? You shoulda just came later.”
“Oh,¨ He looked down remembering that I had told him yesterday, ¨That’s right. Sorry I forgot. Just got bored at home and wanted to do something.”
“Well, we can still hang if you want. Just can’t go anywhere though, Al and my mom are out.”
“I´m okay with that.” Derek said with a smile
Derek has been a friend of mine since I was about 2 or 3, a little after Al, my adoptive father, came into my life. We’ve always stuck by each other throughout life. He was always there whenever another one of my relatives was shot and killed, he had never left me alone, emotionally at least. Derek was the type to not want to be seen by others or have any attention towards himself. Just always in the shadows, like I am.   
Derek and I just went up to my room and went onto the GCU v2, searching for some info on the recent police brutality cases. The GCU v2 is the computer system that grants the government all of the info about recent government-related killings. So you see, most of the UPA, the United Provinces of America, don’t have access to the type of government tech we have, so we are able to access a whole lot of things and uncover a whole lot of info that most people don’t know about. Al had given it to me because, Al is the Captain of the Ontario Police Force, granting him access to government property. He knew that I wanted to know as much about police brutality as possible. I really shouldn’t have this though, it is an infringement to Prop. 235 where it is illegal to use government tech without government approval or supervision.They implemented it in 2031, after the 95 thousandth innocent minority killing.  As we continued to look on info on the most recent police brutality case we saw an alert pop up onto the big holographic monitor on my wall,  that startled us for a second. It was a message from our high school, Greenpine High: Hello Hector Ramos and Derek Wimbly, your attendance to your high school commencement begins at 5:05pm today in the Economics classroom. Sign here to signify that you will be attending. We both signed in a rush, it was already 4:37pm we needed to move FAST. I bolted to my closet, looking for something decently nice or somewhat nice to wear. Derek on the other hand was panicking because he had nothing to wear, I just found a semi-nice vest and some slacks and tossed them to him.
“Put those on! Hurry!” I exclaimed.
Derek began to put on the clothes, after about 2 minutes we were ready. I began to run downstairs and into the kitchen. I found my car keys on the kitchen table and yelled for Derek  to come down as well. In Toronto, you can get you license at 15 and I had gotten mine about 5-7 months ago, just after I turned 16.  I ran to my car, pointed my phone to the driver side and it unlocked and began to levitate off of the ground, indicating that it was started. We got in the now hovering car and sped off of the driveway and headed down to the school.
    After about 15 minutes of driving, we drove into the parking lot of the school. We got out of the car and jolted to the entrance of the school, running down all of the hallways, passing every screen displaying the school motto and mascot. We reached the Economics class with 2 minutes to spare, we caught our breath and entered the class. All of our teachers from kindergarten all the way up to high school were there, except our parents. They weren’t allowed to attend since graduating was considered confidential in a way and they didn’t want the parents to influence the kids into opting out on signing the oath. Oh and I forgot to mention, it is very rare for someone to graduate early, you have to either be extremely intelligent or born with the ability to be something highly, highly useful in government. So, Derek and I fall into that first category, we're what you would call nerds. Music started playing, It’s starting. Be cool Hector, don’t get nervous, I thought to myself. The Dean of Academics did his whole speech thing and gave us our digital and physical diplomas. Then 2 government officials came in with New York province clothing, indigo stitching of the province flag on their white and black suits, and pulled each of us into a separate room.
    “Hector, I am Daniel Reyes. You will do exactly as I say.” He said with a stern and serious voice.
   “Yes sir,” I said looking down at the floor.
“Okay, repeat after me.”
I did as he said. He had put me under oath, which is what everyone who graduates early or has a prestigious job has to go under. I was prohibited from enacting or being a part of any anti-government acts and if I was, I were to be arrested. He gave me a list of people under oath, only 32 in our province were under oath.  
      Derek and I went back to my house. I took a look over the list of people under oath. Al was number 16 on the list. Derek and I were the last ones on the list. I began to rethink my decision to expose the government of literally killing nay minority they thought was “a threat”. I didn’t want to get caught, but I had to do it. I needed to. This was for my dad.
        My dad was killed about 3 months before I was born, in 2041. I never really began to comprehend how and why my dad was killed. But as I started to get older and started to understand more darker and heavier concepts, I really understood why. He never did anything wrong, he was just fighting to end the brutality committed against minorities. But that damned Officer Thompson thought otherwise, so he tracked him down and killed him along with 3 other people fighting against it. I just needed to get my mind off of it, but it always haunts me.
Derek went home after a while because of the strict curfew in our province. I was bored out of my goddamned mind at this point, Al and Mom still weren’t back so I went to explore. I went into the woods just a little ways behind my house. The artificial leaves from the copper-wood trees were began to fall, the ground was filled with a turquoise color now. I suddenly began to feel myself fall deep underground. I thought I just fell into some hole, but I just kept falling and falling more underground. Finally I stopped falling.
“AH!” I shrieked
I landed on my back onto a cold, stone like floor. It was..concrete?  Concrete hasn’t been used since the early 2020’s, it was considered a danger hazard. I could see why, it hurt like hell. A woman emerged from behind a wall. She looked spooked at the sight of me, but seemed friendly.  She told me that her name was Vienna. As we continued to speak, I really started to recognize her more and more. Then it clicked. Vienna used to babysit me when I was young!
    “Wait..Vienna, you used to babysit me when I was a kid! It’s me! Hector!” I said with joy.
“Hector? Hector...Ramos! Oh my god! You've grown so much since I last babysat you!” She wrapped her arms around me and embraced me.
      Vienna also lost her dad to Officer Thompson. In fact, he was the one of the other 3 people killed when my dad died. My mom and her mom met at the funeral for everyone and they helped each other through that hardship. That's how Vienna and I knew each other. It was good seeing her again.
     As I looked around the walls of her little lab, there was government property in there, like real serious government things in there. I told her how I wanted vengeance for what Thompson did to my dad and she said that she would help since she too wanted vengeance for her father. We got straight to work, she brought up the file of my dad’s death and her father's death . We gathered up enough info to expose them for good.
    3 Months Later
Vienna and I were up on a podium now, we have rallied up over 350 people to the city hall of Toronto. I began to display all of the images of my father's death and Joshua’s death.
¨You see here!? Captain Trettin sent California Police Officers and New York Police Officers to Toronto to kill my father and my 18 year old cousin! They wanted them dead because they had dirt on them for innocently killing people, well now we have the dirt, and they’re not going to kill us!” Everyone was furious about what they heard. All of the sudden everyone began to shift and band together to race onto the streets. I ran with them trying to stop them, but something had beat me to it. The whole police force stood there and someone tall and lean walked forward. I walked up to the front, and met an all too familiar set of green eyes, Officer Thompson, the one who killed Joshua and my dad.
¨If it isn’t Greg Thompson himself. You’re going to pay for what you did, what you did to my family. YOU tore us apart. YOU caused us pain. Now..now you’ll feel the suffering I went through.
     He signaled for 3 of his men to come forward. Then 3 loud booms came ringing through my ears.  BANG! BANG! BANG! His men fired at the crowd and 3 bodies dropped, right in front of me.
¨You think you are going to get away with this. You are under OATH! You're under arrest!¨
I was put in handcuffs and taken to the Ontario Province prison. Weeks passed by and I sat there in my cell watching the news every single day. Vienna now had a campaign started, she’s so close to eposing those bastards. I’ll just have to wait.
4 Months Later        
It’s June 17th, my dad’s birthday, Vienna called me and told me that the government of the UPA has been exposed. Thank god. This living hell is finally over. She hung up, I turned on my TV, there it was the major headline, England rules against the UPA declaring the exposure of the UPA for innocently killing almost over a quarter million minorities. Then I heard the sound of keys jingling, a guard released me from my cell and told me to go. I left home.
Before seeing Mom and Al, before seeing Derek and Vienna, I went to the cemetery. I walked over my dad’s gravestone, gripping the top of it. It was as hard and cold just as I left it the last time I saw him, the flowers I left were still vibrant as they could ever be.
I whispered to him, “I did it pops. It’s over, you’re free, those bastards payed for what they did.” 
A tear fell from my cheek, I smiled up at the sky and realized that this was all over. I was finally able to have closure with everything. I felt so much power and happiness at that moment, and I laid my head on his headstone, letting my final tears leave my eyes.

The author's comments:

Dear Editor,

As a 13 year old, I have thought a lot about what the life of people who have experienced police brutality is like. My family, who comes from a Mexican heritage,  have experienced the usual discrimination against us, but I wanted to explore the deeper side of what minorities experience. Although I have never visibly seen or experienced police brutality myself, I really wanted to explore the world of people who have experience it. I wanted to explore the feelings they would have when everything around them is falling apart as a result of police brutality.

My realistic fiction story “Under Oath” is set in the year 2057, and it is about a 16 year old teenager named Hector and a 25 year old female named Vienna.They are working together to expose the government for innocently killing over 330,000 minorities since 2014. Hector had lost a lot of family members, including his father, to police brutality and this was his journey to get vengeance for him.

Thank you for taking your time to read this and I hope to hear from you soon.

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