The Need to Pee | Teen Ink

The Need to Pee

December 21, 2016
By Shelby.Aldrich BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
Shelby.Aldrich BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 My bladder aches for the need to pee. It seems that every car I pass seems to be watching me. I have never had to pee this bad in my whole life, and if I don’t find a bathroom soon I may wet myself. I look at the exit sign ahead to see how much longer it’ll take to get to the next rest area. One mile, “Oh thank heavens.” In this traffic it might take five minutes at the most. I can see the exit right ahead of me. I turn the blinker on and just go for it, not even caring if I make people mad behind me that I may have cut off in the other lane. I get out of my car and make a dash for the bathroom.
Swinging open the door and stopping with a jolt seeing the longest line for a restroom that I have ever seen, with only two stalls. A mother with three little girls, a tall woman with bright red hair, and lots of others wait in the line to use the restroom just as I am. But clearly not as bad as I have to because their faces are all calm and collective but I don’t want to take the time to see the rest of the people in the restroom because there is way too many to wait for. All I want to do is to use the restroom. Thinking to myself I only have a matter of seconds before I soil my pants, I run to the other side of the building to the men’s side of the restrooms and open the door without hesitation praying that there is an open stall, and that no man see’s me go in there just to use the restroom before I pee my pants. “Yes.” I say in a whisper after seeing that no one is is the men’s side.  I go to the closest stall and finally relieve my bladder.
The sound of my toilet flushing sent a relieved feeling through my stomach, and my bladder. “Fewf.” I say because without this rest stop I would not have made it to the next town. Stepping out of the stall in the men's bathroom very slowly to make sure that no men walked in while I was taking the longest pee ever, so I can make a mad dash to the door and get out of here without anyone seeing me. Seeing that no one had came in I run to the door and swing it open just in time to run into an old man with a grey beard. My heart drops and then skips a couple of beats. I don’t want him to know I was in the men’s bathroom,but how, I'm standing right by the doorway that I just came out of by the men’s sign not a sign that says ladies. He’s going to know that I was just in the men’s bathroom.
Thinking of a quick excuse and changing my scared facial expression to a nice and calm, normal face. I say real fast before the man says anything. “Umm.. you're going into the wrong side the men’s room is on the other side of the building.” trying to keep a normal expression so he doesn't catch on that I am not telling the whole truth. I don’t like to lie, but this is a total stranger standing in front of me that just seen me walk out of a men’s restroom that I just told him was a ladies restroom. I can't let this man see that I was in the men's restroom on purpose, so even if he finds out that this is really the men's I can just say that I thought it said ladies and I’m sorry then leave so he doesn't make any more fun of me.
“Oh, well thank you kind lady I could have sworn that the sign behind you said ‘men’s.”  he said pointing to the sign that clearly said “men’s.” I take a deep breathe scared because now he’s straining to see the sign of the bathroom right behind me. I guess he has bad eyes because it’s taking  him a couple of seconds to read it.
“Hey wait a minute, lady you are the one in the wrong bathroom, that their says men’s on the door.” The guy saying this with a big laugh making me blush. Thinking quickly I start to walk away slowly so he won’t see me blushing. 
“Oh.. Umm.. I’m sorry, I didn't know.” giving a fake chuckle I turn around and start walking faster, but the man keeps talking as if I am listening and does not notice that i’m leaving.
“Oh that's fine, I have done this many times before, one time I have gone into a ladies room, when lots of ladies in there, so you're lucky that no one was in there. Man that was embarrassing…” The man still going on now talking to nobody but himself and the bathroom door with the “men’s” sign on it.
Hearing the guy with the grey beard laughing at me while getting into my car I blush again even though I’m leaving, I still blush. I’m deciding not to care about the guy seeing me walk out of the men’s side of the restroom, I’m in the middle of nowhere and i’ll never see this guy again. I turned here to use the restroom and relieve my aching bladder, which no longer aches anymore, so I’m happy. My butterflies from this incident are slowly going away. I have finally gotten my business taken care of so I am hitting the road once again. I have been driving around the country for my new job, working for a magazine company and getting information so my partner can write an article. I’m heading to California to speak with a lady about her new weather channel. This being my first trip for an article I want to get there fast, but now I'm going to definitely take bathroom breaks along the way so my bladder does not ever feel that way again. Now that I have a good feeling not an aching one I start to drive the rest of the way to my destination.

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