Boast About Myself | Teen Ink

Boast About Myself

December 23, 2016
By Hannah77264 BRONZE, French Creek , West Virginia
Hannah77264 BRONZE, French Creek , West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I hail from a land of where the trees whisper, and the melody of birds carries without disturbance. I sigh with comfort as I inhale the scents of the Earth around me. Struck with a sudden spark of inspiration 

My pencil flies across the paper; immortalizing all the characters inside my head. Creator of Epic worlds; reshaping them into my image. As a writer, I learn to be witty, whimsical, and well-rounded by reading other admirable works.

A book worm by nature, I take to academics like the trout takes to the water of my state.

Grueling AP classes bare their teeth and snarl, my back is sure to become deformed from the dead weight of my books, and trickling tears trace the line of my face after another sleepless night.

I shall overcome these ominious, oppressing oppositions, for I have conqured others of the past.

My mind serves as my weopon, sharper than Excalibur herself. My tenacious spirit serves to protect me from the dangerous demons of doubt and failure. In my ears endlessly echoes the tender whisper of a loved one, providing my impenatrable armor.

When I am not weilding my own vorpal blade in the arena of knowledge, I am a source of intertainment for many mischevious munchkins. Designated swing pusher, dodgeball thrower, sippy holder, and tear drier, I am a gymnast of sorts- bending, flipping, and adjusting to accustom the needs of the youth. A stunning accrobatic flip on a narrow wire, and a little faith, is all I've got to appease these sniviling, sneaky, snuggling little angles.

Although difficult and demanding, I an proud of my job. I boldy bear the SYC emblem.  My heart is warmed by incomplete smiles, and my thoughts rest easy knowing that I am touching this country's future.

I am a leader. I am important. I hold great pride in my accomplishments and strive for a better tomorrow.

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