The New Guy | Teen Ink

The New Guy

January 5, 2017
By Anonymous

My name is Rocco and I'm going to tell you about the crazy day I've been having, It all started a few weeks ago. I was meeting with a few friends in the front of the media center like always. I am a tall guy, short hair, usually in a black t-shirt and blue jeans. As I was walking to our meeting place I ran into a friend of mine, Rachel. She is a short girl with short blonde hair and today she was wearing a dress and that’s quite unusual for her to be wearing one.
“Hey Rachel, what’s the occasion. What do you mean”, said she. I told her “ why are you wearing a dress today? Don’t you know, today is the dance.” I completely forgot about the dance and how I have no one to go with.  Well after our discussion, Rachel and I went to our meeting place to see the rest of our friends, they were all dressed up as well and I felt awkward because i was the only one wasn’t dressed up for the dance. Actually now the I think about it i was the only one in the school who wasn’t dressed up, everyone around me was dressed nice then there was me.
“Hey Rocco, why aren’t you dressed up” said my friend Jimmy. Jimmy is an average size guy, always complaining about how I’m taller than him and he wants be as tall as I am. Jimmy has long black hair and one of the most positive attitudes I have ever seen, it’s very helpful to all

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of us. Rachel said “ this idiot forgot about the dance. Yeah, yeah; I know, I know. I forgot, it doesn’t matter though. It’s not like I was going with anyone anyways.” Everyone seemed disappointed. You see I hate dances, like a lot. I never go and my friends always insist on me going to a dance, so since it is my last year here I agreed that I will go. But it seems I ended forgetting even though I said I would. “I’m sorry guys, maybe next dance.” Rachel said “ there isn’t going to be a next dance, this is the last one!’’ I was shocked, I didn’t realize that this was the last dance. Then out of the blue this guy comes and puts his arm over Rachel, someone I haven’t seen before, nor Jimmy.
           “Rachel who is this?’’ said Jimmy. Rachel responded “He is this new guy that showed up to school last month, his name is Rafe and he is my date to the dance.” I was quite puzzled because this is the first time I have ever seen him, and I was sure I have at least seen everyone’s face by now. I thought I was mistaken, or so I thought. Jimmy said “I'm Jimmy and I’ve never seen you before, where did you come from” Rafe said in this raspy voice “ I am from Greece.’’ I found that weird because he didn't look like he was from Greece, but what would I know, I've never seen one. “Well it seems like I must go Rachel, nice to meet you Jimmy and you Rocco.” That was the strange part, I never told him my name yet he knew it, I just assumed that Rachel told him so I didn't let it bother me. This guy, Rafe, is a very, very skinny guy, almost as tall as me to. He seemed like a weird fellow, but I never took precaution towards this guy, I should have though. So the next day I went to school to meet up with my friends only to see that they haven't arrived which left me quite puzzled because they're usually there before me. The bell rang so it was time for classes to start and I was quite worried about my friends because they never miss a day nor have ever arrived late to school.
           The bell rung again and I went to go see if my friends were in front of the media center, but they still weren't. Though there was someone waiting for me there, it was Rafe. I asked Rafe if he had seen my friends, but he responded with only laughter and walked away. Half of me wanted to go after him, but the other half said it wasn't worth it so I just walked in the opposite direction from Rafe. The day after I didn't see him, three days pass and I still haven't seen him or my friends, an entire week goes by and I finally see Rafe. When I saw Rafe he looked different. He looked very pale and looked as if he hasn't slept in days. So I go to him and ask him again where my friends are, only to be responded yet again with laughter. Only this time it was a different laugh than the last time, much more raspier than before.
           “They're gone Rocco, they're both gone and you're going to join them too” Rafe said. I was so confused but it hit me, like a smack across the face and I collapsed in tears for they were my best friends who I cared about deeply. “You haven't noticed yet but I poisoned you, but it seems I was affected first” Rafe said. I was shocked for there wasn't a time when he could have done so, so I looked in a mirror that was right by me and saw I looked just as pale and sleep deprived like Rafe did. “Rafe, why? Why did you do this!” I told him. “Simple” he said, “because you were the first person so far who was in the way of mine and Rachel’s relationship and so I had to get rid of you, but Rachel didn't agree with that so she had to go.” I was even more confused, how was I in the way of their relationship? So I asked him how I was even in the way to which he responded, “because she loved you more than me” and that was another thing that felt like a smack across the face. I was speechless to this for I had no clue. Now we're at present time, I already lost the strength to stand and there was no one around for this happened in the tree's out back and Rafe had already passed. And I am left with regret, for I should have gone to the dance.

The author's comments:

Something random that I wrote

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