Ohana | Teen Ink


January 10, 2017
By newmarketstudent BRONZE, Newmarket, New Hampshire
newmarketstudent BRONZE, Newmarket, New Hampshire
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

All around me is darkness. I hear screams and shuffling of feet in the hallway. Slight whispers fill the room just loud enough for me to comprehend.
“How is the patient, Doctor?” someone asks.
“It’s hard to tell.” They are referring to the dark, masculine voice as “Doctor”. I hate it when they talk as if my body is incapable of hearing.
I remember that night, after I received the phone call I just drove. I heard a crash then blackness surrounded me. Now I am here. Wires cover me, I feel helpless, and the only thing I can do is listen. I decide I want to do more, I want to see more. With all of my strength I open my eyes. Everything is blurry until I make out a face, her face. Her tired, bloodshot eyes stare deeply into mine. She is quiet for a minute, just a blank stare. She quickly stands up when she notices that I am awake.
“Charlotte,” she says surprised.
I respond “yes,” with a croak in my throat. It must have been loud enough to hear for she runs to get the doctor.
“I couldn’t lose you too,” she says choking back her tears. While the doctor unplugs all of the wires we both just stare at one another, not knowing what to do.
“I am so sorry,” I cry with a shaky voice. The doctor raises me up and gives me to her. He tells me what I have to do for the next week but I tune him out. My sister helps me out as we head to our home.

The author's comments:

I wrote this to make me and others happy.

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