My community Bully | Teen Ink

My community Bully

January 7, 2017
By Manav BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
Manav BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sweat slides down my cheek, my heart beats a million beats per second, and out of the corner of my eye, I see the enormous mass. It was huge, disgusting, oozing out threats and insults as it walked around the streets. It slowly consumed people’s minds, corrupting them, not allowing them to breath safely. I inspected it and realized what true hideousness was. I quickly ran past that monster, trying to escape.

Oof! Unexpectedly, my scarlet sneaker caught the railing the local park bench, and down I went, like Tina after her first occurrence with the beast. Blood splattered all over the dull cement, and a river of maroon formed right under my still body. Suddenly, the ogre turned towards me slowly. “Oh, look who it is, the little creep!” said the thing in a sluggish voice. With every footstep closer, my heart raced a beat quicker. “No!” I thought. “I need to get away, now, now!” I urged my body to move, but it wouldn’t listen. All of a sudden, it struck me. I couldn’t get away from something that was inside of me.

The author's comments:

This piece is about the harshness and the bully inside all of us. I hope people understand that they must try hard to get rid of the negative elements inside of them.

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