Oops. | Teen Ink


January 14, 2017
By EJG999 BRONZE, Los Angeles , California
EJG999 BRONZE, Los Angeles , California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I put a note on it that said "Do Not Touch" with almost no hope that it would be there when I came back. I tried convincing myself it would be alright.


I kept my eye on the burrito until the refrigerator light stopped reflecting off of its tin foil wrapping.


Our meeting ended and everyone broke for lunch. I rushed out of the conference room to beat the stampede, but I was too late -- the fridge didn't hold my beloved burrito.
I don't need it. I can live without the sliced seared steak, the braised black beans, rich red rice... The creamy cheese, and the spicy Sriracha sauce, all laced in a lime drizzle... What the hell am I saying? I need that burrito!!


I stomped out of the office kitchen and switched to tyranny mode.
"Did you take my burrito?!"
"No, sorry."
B****. I know she's lying.


I continued on my march to find the person who stole my love from me.
"Was it you? I KNOW it was YOU!"
"What are you talking about?"
"My burrito. I NEED my burrito!"
"Didn't even know you had a burrito, bro. Sorry."


I asked every other person in the office and no one knew where my burrito was.
"You took it, didn't you."
"Nope, sorry."
"What about you? Did you take it?"
"I'm just an intern..."
God damn it.

I went back to my cubicle and laid my head down on my desk.
I can't do this anymore. My burrito is gone. I'll never find it.
My phone started ringing. I couldn't deal with it. I ripped my phone from my pocket and threw it behind me.


I heard footsteps coming towards my office.
Don't come talk to me. Don't come talk to me.


"Hey, Dan, is this your phone?"
I turned around and my eyes lit up. That's my f***ing burrito! He has my burrito!!
"Your phone is ringing. Also, this is yours. It  was on my burrito."
He handed me a note that said "Do Not Touch".

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