The Story of Kane | Teen Ink

The Story of Kane

January 25, 2017
By Lymix BRONZE, Flemington, New Jersey
Lymix BRONZE, Flemington, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The thing about happiness is, you don’t know you had it till it is gone. You may think you do, you may think to yourself that“I’m happy”. But you don't really believe it, not in that moment anyway. I used to be like you-had a wife, a kid. I was happy.  At least I thought I was, but I didn’t really know. If I really understood, I wouldn’t have gone back into this business. I would have left all of my former life behind. But I couldn’t, I needed that thrill, the money, the power. I couldn’t tell you exactly why. This nuclear wasteland, it finds a way of tearing you apart. It always finds a way.
I was the best at what I did. I was an independent contract killer working for the west-Boston Mafia primarily.  At the time everyone knew the name Kane; knew I wouldn’t just go after the contract to get at them. I would go after the ones they loved, the ones they valued; letting them really see the happiness they had before taking it away. You probably see me as a monster, the boogeyman.  And in some ways, I guess I was. But I was, and still am, just another man in this cesspool of a world. Does it make me a monster because I took out others to put food on the table for my family, when they would have done the same given the chance?
If someone had got to me first, you would see them as the monster and me as the victim. Funny how that works, huh? Looking back makes you realize all the things you could have had; all the things you did have and really how f***ed this world is. Take a job for the right people, and you are everyone’s best friend.  But cross the wrong guy once, and that life you spent years building up it is over in the blink of an eye.

It was supposed to be a simple job.  Kill a member of the west-side Boston Mafia, and get paid.  Nobody was supposed to know it was me, and nobody would have if it wasn’t a setup all along. Unlucky for me, and them, I wasn’t home when they came barging in guns at the ready; my wife and son were though. I guess it won’t matter much anymore-the life I built here. After I’m done here, I guess, I could travel west.  See how far I get before some raider has his lucky day, or a mutant gets a good meal. The west-side Mafia won’t have much to come after me with after this building finishes burning, along with most of their men. The voice of a man barely registers inside of me amongst the flames.  The loudspeakers still work, “I didn’t want this to happen, Kane. It was just a simple task to test your loyalty. It was all it was, and you failed.  Killing me won’t bring them back.”
I don’t think he knows that I don’t care as long as he is not coming back either. I may have called him a boss, but he was never a friend. Now, he’s just another kill. He doesn’t put up much of a fight, these types never do.  Without their lackeys, like me, they aren’t much, just a loud voice to calm the crowd. No, if you are wondering, it didn’t make me feel better. I knew it wouldn’t, but it had to be done.  An eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth. Guess now it is time to start my way west. There's always work for a guy like me in this world.  Everybody wants someone dead, just some are less willing to hide it.

The author's comments:

the quote "You don't know what you got till it is gone" inspired me

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