Confusion | Teen Ink


January 17, 2017
By Anonymous

“He’s screaming again, restrain him!” Bojack yelled running down the purely white hallway passed blank door after door.
Where am I? What’s happening?!
Three doctors ran into the room with their pristine white coats. “Tie him down now!” yelled Bojack.
Who are you people?! No don’t touch me! Get away!
Joe tried to calm him down while the other two tried to restrain him with no avail.
“Wex! Your’e ok! You’re gonna need to calm down!”
No, no get away I don’t know you!!!
“Joe watch it!” Antonio yelled just as Wex decked Joe right in the face. “Damnit man get a hold of yourself, stop screaming!” Antonio shouted as Joe walked out harboring a bloody nose.
“Joe get the Anesthesia, Now!”
Why are you holding me down?! Where did those belts come from?! Why can’t I move?!
Ron walked back in with the shot and a bloody rag over his nose. “Give me that now!” yelled Bojack. Wex pupils dilated as he stared at the shot with a look of utter fear.
What is that?! OW! What’s happeni...
The doctors sighed with relief as they watched Wex’s body slacken and his eyes roll back into his head.

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