Fire Escape | Teen Ink

Fire Escape

January 11, 2017
By AMorningS BRONZE, East Hampton, New York
AMorningS BRONZE, East Hampton, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Suicide doesn't end the pain, it just passes it on to someone else."

My mouth is a fire escape. The words keep coming out. My actions keep igniting. I don’t care that they are bare, raw, naked. There is something burning in there. The fire grows larger and the escape slowly creeps closed. The rug catches fire. The couch. The chair. The curtains. The tables. The doors. The television. The bed. The desk. My heart. My heart catches fire and it melts my body, my soul. It melts the wall that has kept in my emotions for so damn long and I just overflow and melt over. I start crying into Zander. Zander is my fire extinguisher. He puts out the fire. He lets the ice melt into a bucket in which he throws off of the bridge that is my darkest times when I was stood up on that very same bridge and he caught me. Caught me like the air caught the melted ice that is my tears as they were flung off the bridge, vanished from sight and just became another percentage of the big, giant, vast ocean. The ocean that almost made me a percentage. The ocean that has taken so many fires and destroyed them never to be lit again because that fire is my emotion and every other person that ever walked on earth, it is their emotion. The ocean calls to our emotions. Calls to us saying that the burning feeling that has long been melting our soul and slowly killing us from the inside will soon be extinguished. Extinguished for good. Extinguished so that the fire that resides in all of us will never hurt anyone anymore. Extinguished so much so the fireplace is ripped out of our body and our chimneys and fire escapes are rendered useless because we are all dead. Our fire is what keeps us alive and even though it may burn you down until you feel like a worthless pile of ash. Your melted self, the fire still burns and you are still you.
The ice that was melted stops flowing from my eyes and is thrown off that evil bridge, its presence gone but its memory lively. I wipe away the salty tears from my eyes and smile softly, sadly. My fire extinguisher rubs my back in calm, relaxing circles.

The author's comments:

I had written this to show a characters emotions through the metaphor of fire, having the main character let everything out.

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