Daydreams of Mitty | Teen Ink

Daydreams of Mitty

January 12, 2017
By SwagFag BRONZE, Sacramento, California
SwagFag BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mitty was sitting outside on a very gloomy day. "What's wrong my dear, are you feeling okay?" his wife, Annie, walks up to him and asks. "Oh, yea im fine" he replied, "I was just thinking". Standing at the edge of a roof top, looking 50 feet down below stood Mitty, enjoying the summer breeze and gazing upon the stars. He took a deep breath and began singing to himself. It was a song he heard earlier on the radio as he was driving to the store to pick up nessesities.

He later returned home. "Did you get what I asked you to get?" asked his wife. "What was that again sweetie? I had completely forgoten". said Mitty. Frusturated, Mitty scattered to return to the store, his wife stopped him and said calmy, "...nothing honey, don't worry about it, it's not that important."

Upset, Mitty stormed off to go sit outside again and clear his mind.
He sat in his chair outside and without realization, began to daydream. He was a train technition. Mitty was walking down the walkway towards the loading docks."Hey, Mitty!" yelled one of the cundoctors, Benny.

Mitty quickly rushed over there." Bad news. There is a very important delivery that can't be late. It just so happens that this very important deliverey is on a train that we can't get up and running!" excited Benny.  They had an hour to deliver it to a town about 40 minutes away. That means Mitty only has 20 mins to try to fix the train.

Mitty quickly rushed back to get his tools. When he got to the train he poped open the engine compartmant and began inspecting it for anything out of the ordanary or out of place. Mitty asked, "Whats wrong with her?" referring to the train. "Shes making a weird noise when trying to put her in gear, Its a loud crunching noise." Said benny as he patted the gearbox.

Mitty looked under the Gear box and seen a large rock from the train tracks stuck inside and would not let the train move. "Here's your problem Benny, there is a rock jammed in here." said Mitty. They took a crow bar and pried it off, and the train worked again.

"Mitty! Dinner's ready!" Annie yells He goes inside and eats and goes to sleep.
Wakes up the next day and gets a job as a train technition and fixes trains.
He makes 16$ an hour and has a 401k retirement plan. Everybody like Mitty.
Be like Mitty.

The author's comments:

This story is inspired from my real life and how it conflicts with my dreams and dream world.

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