The Final Play | Teen Ink

The Final Play

January 12, 2017
By Anonymous

Four years later…In a bar in the North End

Cody was watching the Alabama game, thinking about how the team had plummeted since his depart. He went through shot after shot as bar fights went on behind him, pondering his past. He remembered the time he threw the conference winning touchdown at his former high school, East Boston High. A previously good for nothing public school that Cody had put on the map. “Those were the days…” he thought to himself. And then he thought about the play that defined his life. Suddenly, he put the tequila down, left a generous tip, and exited the bar. Instead of walking back to his lousy apartment in East Boston, one of the worst parts of the city, Cody decided to go back to his old high school.
He ignored passersby gaping at his dramatic limp, as he always did. It was the best years of his life, and he was wasting it getting drunk and roaming around when he should be living his life to the fullest. ‘That was already over,’ he thought to himself. His next job interview was on Tuesday to be a factory worker in Mattapan. He had no income, and no job yet. He was falling into an endless abyss of debt, one that would be hard to climb out of.
As he entered his high school, he noticed the drastic changes that had occurred. The walls were leaking, the lockers were misshapen, and the floorboards were cracked and disgusting. Like Cody, this school had lost its charm. It needed something, or someone, to bring it back to life.
When Cody was here, it was the football team. He shook his head and started to leave. But he heard a familiar voice behind him exclaiming, “Hey, look who it is!” and he turned around, meeting a face that he will never forget.
It was coach Donald McGrady. Cody couldn't believe his eyes. This man had been at East Boston High ever since he got out of Alabama State over 49 years earlier. Cody rushed toward his old coach, who had to catch him as Cody almost fell over with his bad leg. “I remember that game, Cody,” said Donnie, with a disdainful look on his face. Coach had not gained one wrinkle since Cody last saw him. Donnie always claimed he had looked the same for the past 20 years.
“I was there at the game, and I'll be there with you when you lead the way for our team.”
Cody was confused. “What?” Donnie chuckled, and then said, “That's right, Cody. I want you to be the coach of our football squad.”
“But what about you?” exclaimed Cody.
“It's hard for me with my failing health, Cody. I'm not able to get the energy into the team like I used to. It's just not the same.”
Cody was nervous. He had a regretful look on his face, one that thought about the past, but also pondered the possibilities of the upcoming future. Finally, he decided to accept the deal.
“I'll do it.” He replied back. “But what about pay?” Cody asked. “You know I'm in a tough place.” Donnie reassured him,
“We’ll sort that out, but I promise you it will be more than that McDonald’s is going to be giving you.” They shared a laugh. “Don't worry, Cody. I'll be with you right by your side all the way, Q.” Donnie had always called him Q ever since the first tryout. Cody turned around towards the door.
“Thanks, Donnie!” As he exited, he thought about what he would do with the team. He would figure that out tomorrow.

The author's comments:

I love football. I especially love a story of a great football player get injured, and come back to the game. It gives me courag to take on anything.

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