The Life of the Broken Girl | Teen Ink

The Life of the Broken Girl

January 29, 2017
By duhitsmandy BRONZE, West Chester, Ohio
duhitsmandy BRONZE, West Chester, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I consider my life to be different from any other teenagers. No mom, no dad, no home. I woke up up to nothing but two bunk beds and four annoying girls. But as I got older I was determined to change and become a better person. Hanging out with other teenagers, joining clubs, being nicer to others no matter the circumstances, but none of that seemed to work. I guess once a person is broken inside, no matter what you try to do to fix them, they won’t go back together.     


The author's comments:

This work is very important to me because I know that there is a lot of kids without homes or parents and they need to be heard. I chose to write about this because I don't usually see too many books like this and I want people to know about situations like this.

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