After School | Teen Ink

After School

January 30, 2017
By Sammieshoes BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
Sammieshoes BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Anya woke up feeling tired and groggy. “Ugh, another wonder day at high school.” Said Anya in a very sarcastic voice while stretching. Anya sat up and brushed her black long hair out of her face. She than pulled herself out of bed and beguines heading towards the bathroom that was in her room. After she was done brushing her teeth and showering, Anya walked back into her bedroom, she looked at the clock that was hanging up on her wall. “Oh shoot, I’m going to be late for school.” Anya said. “If Miss.Treason catches me late again I’m dead meat.” Anya rushed over to her closet and frantically started putting on clothes. She than rushed down the stairs, grabbed an apple from the kitchen, and out the door she went. Anya rushed down the sidewalk without a care in the world, other than getting to school on time.

Once Anya made it to school, barely on time. She ran over to her locker, grabbed her books, threw her bookbag in the locker and dashed to class. As Anya reached the classroom she could see that her peers were talking and gossiping amongst themselves. “Whew.” said Anya while walking into the classroom. As Anya  made her way to her seat, she could see her crush Dylan talking his buddies. Aww!! He’s so cute when he smiles. Anya thought to herself. To bad I don’t have a chance with him. And If I did, he still wouldn’t go out  with a freshm-. Just then Anya’s thoughts got interrupted by the sound of Miss.Treason's voice entering the classroom. “Okay class.” Said Miss.Treason in a very classy voice. “Today we are going to learn about politics and how the election system works.”

After Ms.Treasons class was over Anya then went to Mr.Milton’s class. Which was science, Ms.Johnson ‘s class. She was in charge of language arts. And then Anya’s last class which was Mr. Steward class. He teaches math. After that Anya went to the cafeteria to grab some lunch. When Anya got her lunch she decided to eat outside. As Anya got outside she could see her best friend, Sylvia sitting near the outside stage, waving. “Hey Anya, over here .” shouting Sylvia. Anya assumed that the popular kids must have heard her because they started whispering and laughing between each other. Anya quickly rushed passed the popular kids and made her way over to where Sylvia was eating at. “Hey Sylvia.” Anya said while waving. “ I haven’t seen you since forever. Whatcha been up to?”

“Oh, nothing much.” Sylvia said while rapidly tapping her fingers on the picnic table and looking away. Anya could tell that she was hiding something by the way she was acting. “Sylvia, are you hiding something from me.”

“ Nnn-oo.” Sylvia said nervously stuttering. While looking still looking away. Anya then grabbed Sylvia’s face and looked her right in the eye to see if she was telling the truth or not. “Okay, okay I’ll talk.” Said Sylvia. “The reason why you haven’t seen me around is because … Me and Bianca have been hanging out together.” I was so stunned by what she just said that my mouth opened with no words coming out of it. I can’t believe she’s friends with that promiscuous girl. “You can’-. Just when I was about to say something to Sylvia, Bianca comes over, with her curly blonde hair and green eyes. “Hey Sylvia.” Bianca said while trying to cut me out of the conversation. “Me and the rest of the girls are planning on getting milkshakes after school. Wanta come?”

“Um … Sure! But can Anya come to?” Sylvia said. “Yeah...Sure. Bianca said in a very vexed voice. “Well, see you girls later.” And with that she spun around and walked away with the sound of her high heels clicking in the distance. “B****.” mumbled Anya underneath her breath.

After lunch was over Anya went over to her locker and grabbed her books she needed for Biology. When Anya closed her locker, Dylan was standing right behind it causing her to jump. “ Haha… Hey Dylan.”Said Anya. “Hey Anya, didn’t mean to bother you but I wanted to ask you something.” Dylan said.

“ What is it.” Anya said.

“ I wanted to see if you wanted to grab a milkshake with me and my friends.”Said Dylan as he brushed his brown hair out of his green ivory eyes.

Yes!, Yes!, Yes!. Say yes. Anya thought. “ No.” Oh shoot, did i just say no to the cutest boy in school. “I mean that I would but I can’t. Bianca already asked me and my friend Sylvia.” 

“Oh, when I said “my friends” I meant Bianca.” 

“Oh,well,okay. See you after school.” 

“Bye.” Said Dylan as he walked away. Omg that was so awkward. Anya thought as she headed to Biology. After Biology Anya had Geometry, and than English 1. After English Anya went to her locker, grabbed her book bag, and made her way out the school towards Fast bears milkshake place.

As Anya made it to Fast bear’s milkshake place. She could see Bianca,Dylan, and Sylvia sitting together and talking. “Hey guys.” Anya said while walking over towards them. “Hey Anya.” Sylvia said “Me and Bianca will all get us some milkshakes. Be right back.” Sylvia said. And for some reason she winked at Dylan. “So..Um… I’ve been wondering about something.” Said Dylan.  

“Yeah, what is it?” Anya said. “Are you seeing anyone?” OMG, is this really happening. Is Dylan trying to ask me out. “Nn-oo.” Anya says while stuttering. “Good, come with me so we can talk about some things.” “Okay!” I said in excitement as Dylan held my hand while exiting Fast bear’s milkshakes place. He took me behind the back of the building. Luckily it was still daylight outside. Dylan turned around and looked me straight into my eyes, then started leaning in like he was about to kiss me. So Anya did what any other ordinary girl would do. She closed her eyes. Anya could hear a lot of noise where they were, but she didn’t pay any attention to it. Than Anya felt something that was cold and wet on her lips. “What the hell is this?” Anya said as she opened up her eyes. When Anya fully opened up her eyes. She could see that it wasn’t Dylan who was kissing her. It was A FISH!! Anya turned bright red in embarrassment. As Anya looked around she could see that mostly the entire school was there laughing at her. Tears started to form in Anya’s eyes as she watched Sylvia and Bianca emerged from the group of students. “Hey Anya, having fun kissing that fish.” Sylvia said while pulling out her phone to videotape me. “ Wow, I didn’t think you were that stupid, but you prove wrong when you thought I was going to kiss you.” Dylan said in a mocking tone while laughing. In that moment Anya’s heart sharted on to the ground in a million pieces as she pushed herself through the crowd of students all the way home.

When Anya got home she ran up the stairs to her room in tears with the door slamming behind. As Anya took off her shoes and laid in bed, she could hear her mother coming up the stairs. “Sweetie, I’m coming in.” Anya’s mom said while knocking on her door. As Anya’s mom entered the room she rushed over to Anya and squeezed her into a tight embrace. “I’m so sorry this happened to you mi hija.” Anya’s mom said in a sympathetic voice.

The author's comments:

Hey Guys, This is first short story ever so I hope you enjoy. This short story is about a high school girl name Anya who struggles through life with heratbreak and betrayal.

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