Friends, White Vans and Clowns | Teen Ink

Friends, White Vans and Clowns

January 31, 2017
By JFowlie BRONZE, Burlington, Ontario
JFowlie BRONZE, Burlington, Ontario
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“What do I do? He’s been there all day!” “Have you told your manager yet?” 

“Are you kidding?”
“I don’t want Alison to worry! Plus, she’ll try to question him or maybe even call the police and then I’ll have to talk to some officers--”
“So basically I’m the only one you’ve told?”
“Well...ya. It’s not like I have anyone else to confide in.”
“I feel honoured.”
“This is serious!”
“I think you should call her.”
“Yes, Alison, who else? You’re all alone there and this guy sounds sketchy. Please don’t tell me he’s in a white van.”
“Hilarious, Amy, but I don’t want to call her down here if it’s actually nothing.”
“Nat, this guy has been in his car watching you all day-- “
“I don’t know if he’s actually watching--”
“--and you even said he’s been in twice already without buying anything.”
“But what? Unless you secretly liking the attention--”
“I’m only kidding. But, Nat, you’re just making excuses. Call Alison.”
“I already told you I won’t.”
“Natalie, I’m at practice right now, I can’t drive down there.”
“I know.”
“And I don't think I could win in a fight against a pervert.”
“He’s not gonna attack me.”
“Says the five foot two girl working alone at a gas station in the middle of nowhere. I’m sure this old fart who’s been parked out front watching you is harmless. He’s probably only waiting till it gets dark to make his move.”
“Stop making this sound like a plot from some horror movie.”
“It’s almost Halloween, you never know. Does he have a clown mask?”
“You’re not helping!”
“I’m only trying to lighten the mood, Nat. If he’s really bothering you then maybe you
should call Ryan.”
“How are we even friends?”
“‘Cause you love me--”
“Well-- “
“--and you know he would be there in a heartbeat. Maybe this creep will leave if Ryan shows up. ”
“He’s not needed, plus I definitely don’t want to see him, not after what he did. I can’t believe you’d even suggest that.”
“I get it, he broke your heart...and your car. But Natalie that was weeks ago! He’s your best friend.”
“Not anymore.”
“You’ll have to talk to him eventually, why not make it today? If you won’t call him, I will.”
“Don’t-- “
“Coach wants us back in the pool now.... Natalie my practice isn’t over till 8. I don’t know what else you want me to do.”
“It’s fine.”
“Stop being stubborn! Please just call him.”
“I’m fine. Anyways I shouldn’t be on my phone.” “Please don’t be mad at me. You know I’m right.”


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