what now | Teen Ink

what now

January 18, 2017
By molavalmp1111 BRONZE, Leander, Texas
molavalmp1111 BRONZE, Leander, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A book is like a uniquely portable form of magic"

I suddenly realize you are screaming at me it all happen one second faster than I could handle first we were talking and then you were screaming all too fast for me. You don't stop to take a breath or to let me say anything. But I don't interfere I think you need this. You need something to scream at. But because I do to I wait for you to finally breath and I Blare stop. You look down but not before I see a tear roll down your face. And I wonder why are you crying. But then I touch my cheeks and realize they are also wet.  Soon we had Great drops falling from their eyes I guess the heavy rain clouds in our minds let loose their turbulent nature. As we sit silently The only question left was what now.

The author's comments:

something in my life really pushed me to write something from my heart and this is what came from that.

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