Don't Forget Them | Teen Ink

Don't Forget Them

October 5, 2017
By WanderingSpaceMan BRONZE, Waner Robins , Georgia
WanderingSpaceMan BRONZE, Waner Robins , Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world.&quot;<br /> -Voltaire

      Most of us grew up watching Disney movies and enjoying the catchy tunes that were played throughout the movie. And most of us dreamt of being the handsome prince or beautiful princess, but then we were introduced to the real world of middle school. Everyone within themselves was fictional characters having a quick change in personality and physical features. This created every single one of us as individuals yet we still wanted to look the same as each other. People falling apart to fall into a certain group or click. Never once were we invited or automatically fit into the cliche groups. The outcast or loners or weirdos never fit in anywhere. They were looked past and ignored, forcing every one of them to fix themselves and pack their own band-aids. In high school, things changed drastically causing the small island to die off killing themselves one by one. And I'm sending this to that small island reassuring you that you are loved and even though you may not be a prince charming or beautiful princess, you'll still be loved y many but not all. Map out your own path and create the fairytale that you've always wanted.

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