great america | Teen Ink

great america

November 16, 2017
By Anonymous

It is a warm summer day when my family decided to to go to Great America. I have always wanted To go there, and finally I could. We left at around ten o'clock and got there at ten thirty. When we got there we had lunch. I was really excited to go on a roller coaster for the first time, but my parents said you have to wait for your food to digest. But I couldn't wait so I went on it anyway. The ride was called the demon. On the ride you go in two full 360 degree turns and you go upside down. Then you go through a tunnel and then it is over. I hopped in a car and pulled my shoulder strap down. Then suddenly we started to move forward.

We started going up until we got to the top. Then I closed my eyes as we rocketed down to the bottom and heard loud constant screams. Then we went through a dark tunnel where I couldn't see anything. My stomach wasn't feeling to good. So as soon as the ride ended I jumped out of the car and ran to the nearest trash can, and out came my lunch. Then I thought about it for a second and said to myself, “ maybe I should've waited”. So next time MAYBE I will listen to my parents.

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