The accident that changed me. | Teen Ink

The accident that changed me.

November 18, 2017
By fangirl13 BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
fangirl13 BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hi! *waves*, my name is Thalia. You are probably wondering isn't that the name of a Percy Jackson character?! … Let's just say the one who is writing this right now has an unhealthy obsession with these types of books. Anyway, you didn’t need to know that. Let me introduce myself correctly. I am  Thalia Lopez García. I'm 5 foot 5 inches tall, I have tan skin, dark brown hair that goes to my mid-back, and dark brown eyes I am sarcastic, sassy, and an artistic, girl. I graduated from the Bluewater High School with excellent scores.  I have two older brothers that are older than me by two years. Their names are Francisco and Daniel Lopez García. Even though they are older than me, they always act like a bunch of teenagers who think that is totally fine to prank their little sister every ten minutes.
¨Hey, wake up already lazy a** you have to start to pack you leave in two days!¨ Francisco or Daniel said behind the door.
Speaking of the devils, did I mention they`re twins!? I guess I forgot to mention that, sorry.
¨Coming, geez is not that late!¨ I yelled. While checking the clock.  It was 8:00 A.M
¨Okay, but don't take ages because we are waiting for you to eat breakfast!¨ they said at the same time, which was kind of creepy.
When they left I started changing. In less than five minutes I was already down the stairs.
I started to hear voices in the dining room arguing about why the twins can´t have a pet tarantula.
¨Come on ma, It would be hilarious to watch her reaction!¨ said the twins whining.
¨NO! You guys already know the answer, you want me to spell it for you N-O!¨ my mom yelled angrily.
¨Good Morning, Papa, Mama,¨ I said with a smile on my face.
¨Good morning, hija,¨ they said in unison. While I was getting some toast and milk.
¨I was thinking that you should go to Spain today instead of two days,¨ my dad said looking at my sleepy face.
¨… Okay, but can I least know why?¨ I asked calmly, I wasn't surprised they wanted to do that. The earlier I get my education, the faster they retire. 
¨Nope,” said the twins with a smirk on their faces.
¨I wasn't talking to you, dufus,¨ I said returning with an evil smirk.
Before we got into an argument, mom was already getting ¨the chancla¨. 
¨ Se calmán o los calmo yó!¨ mom said in Spanish while holding the terror of mostly our entire life! You would probably think ¨ Oh, that´s just a flip-flop what are you talking about?¨ For those people who are thinking of that, let me just tell you that IT'S NOT JUST A FLIP FLOP! It´s a dangerous weapon that Hispanics or Latinos use for discipline.
After we settle down again my dad explained that the course was about to start in two days, so is pretty reasonable to move the day to today.
¨Okay, does Alejandro knows this too?¨ I asked to cause no way in hell I´m going alone.
¨Yes, he knows and don't worry about packing up the maids will be doing that.¨ He said smiling.
¨Okay, just let me pack my supplies.¨ I said while putting my plate in the sink and kissing my parents on the cheek.  I went up to my room just to be splashed with something so cold that çaused me scream.
¨AAAAAHHHHHHH¨ I yelled trying to find the one who did it even though I have already good idea who did it.
¨ Francisco, Daniel you are SOO DEAD!¨ I yelled going into their room.
¨Hey, sis¨ They said smiling
¨What was THAT for?!?!¨ I told them with an angry look on my face.
¨… did you seriously thought that we will be leaving you alone the last day?¨ They asked.
¨No, but could you please do me a favor do so! I have other important things to do before I go to the flight?¨ I was too stressed to deal with their stupid pranks today.
Without an answer, I got out of their room to my room and started packing and put clean clothes again.

A few hours later I find myself in the hangar ready to go. That's when I felt hands around my eyes.
¨Hello¨ said a very grave voice from the stranger.
¨Okay, you better know who you think you are playing with because I'm this close to kicking you where the sun doesn't shine.¨ I said calmly while showing my fingers in form of a ¨u¨.
¨Okay Okay you don't need to be that aggressive Thals I was just playing with you!¨ said a familiar voice. I opened my eyes to see Alejandro or Alex for short.
¨Well you shouldn't just come to me behind my back with an exaggerative grave voice saying Hello.¨ I said to him.
¨ Don't put your pants on a twist García¨ He said waving his hand up and down towards me.
¨Come on we have to go to the gates they will be departing anytime soon.¨ I said to him. I should probably describe how does he look, right. Alejandro ¨Alex¨ Heinrich is a 5,10 tall, tan skin,  dark brown haired, blue eyed,  sharp cheekbones, boy but he is really a pain in your butt sometimes.
MInutes later we were on the plane ready to start the flight.

7 hours later
It was day already, after those seven long hours we were getting our cases. ¨Well, that was a long ride don't you think?!¨ he said surprised.
¨You shouldn't  be surprised, what did you expect 20 minutes?¨ I said to him sarcastically.  He ignored me and told me to follow until we were at the exit.
¨We are crossing street, let´s wait until we are able to cross.¨ I said dead in the eye. I didn't trust him at this things because even though we are 19 years old doesn't mean he acts like it.
We waited but when the light was green Alex was running. Then a car was going really fast that it's going to hit him straight and square. Before he is able to hit Alex, I pushed Alex out off the way which means I got hit by the car. The last thing I see is seeing someone above me saying that everything is going to be okay. After he finished I start to see black dots that leads me to black out.

A few days later
I feel every single bone, muscle, and even my soul hurts. I try to open my eyes, but I see darkness. BLACK. NOTHING. I hear a beeping noise going faster and faster. That when I start to call:
¨ALEX, MOM, DAD, someone!!!!!¨ I say desperately
¨You are fine, you are okay, you are safe.¨ says a comforting voice pulling me into a huge hug.
¨Why can't I see?!?¨ I asked frustrated.
The ¨the car hit you hard, broke some of your bones, well make you blind.¨ said the voice.
¨WHAT?!¨ This can't be happening NO PLEASE NO!!.
I started sobbing,  but I asked the person what is his or her name.
¨My name is Antonio Rivera, my sunshine.¨ Said Antonio. Mine supposed to be an enemy. Antonio is an arrogant, c***y, good-looking guy, but looks are deceiving. Antonio and I used to be really good friends, but since we started high school he became another person, a bad boy, a player. That's when I met Alex. Without saying anything else he left, leaving me alone in the darkness.

The author's comments:

The thing that inspired me was an idea that came in a dream.

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