Lost minors | Teen Ink

Lost minors

November 18, 2017
By Anonymous

A group of teenage friends are demanding to go on a trip together all ages of 17-18 year olds. “You guys excited?” Lillian smirked as she flipped her brown straight hair out of her face and brushed mascara on her large green eyes while uttering the words. Toby answers, “Yeah, you scared . . . ?” He soaks his hands with water as he flattens his blonde flop on his hair and assumes. “You're silly” Alex joked. “Stop talking and get packed because we're going to California guys!” Jada says with excitement as she packs her bags. They all got packed and decided to go by train for a cheaper position. The train stops after the expected time they knew would. When they got out of the train, they were definitely not in the place they wanted to be in. “Where we at?” Toby cracked in confusion. They were in a ghostly underground chamber. The group of friends are muddled. “ I guess we can just try to walk around, it could just be where the train stops..” Jada supposed as she stroked her blond curls. They walk and walk to see where they would get. They continued walking and finally reached a site. It was a pitch black railroad cave they were trapped in. There was a steel door in front of them but it was nearly impossible to open up. The ground was an unyielding floor that was unbreakable.  “This is some strong stuff” Alex believes as he stomps on the ground heavily. They used all their power and everything they had brought to open up the door but nothing was working. The door and the floor were both too powerful for them to handle. There was an eye hole in the door and alex looks through wondering if anybody could see his bright blue eye color.

        They decided to walk the other way and found out it was a tunnel there were large pathways in each direction of the area.the walls were made of rock, They chose to go to the right and there was an open door with lights surrounding the walk way. They followed the light and got to something that looked like a  dollhouse. With rooms, a kitchen, and a living room. But there was no other way out. “I’m so so confused.” Jada whispers quietly. The windows didn't lead to the outdoors, just another close packed wall. All the teenagers were forced to go in different rooms locked up until the designated time to come out. The door would open at random in time for them to follow a leader’s rule. They were being forced to do favors for a random person controlling the electric dollhouse they were now stuck in. The teenagers parents are clueless. They do not know that they are trapped in a frightful setting..

         They think that they are on their trip all together, all safe. Jada screams “Guys where are you!?” trying to get her friends attention. The doors are too broad to hear a thing. The friends are insensible. Toby tries to thump on the door, still wondering if he’s the only one trapped in the nightmare. “Hello!!” Lilian shouts with her high pitch voice. Alex was in his room, trying to find something that can help him escape. He was not scared he was disoriented. 30 minutes past of waiting in a terrorized area. The doors open up.  The group of friends come out and see a peek of their friends clothing so they knew it was them. Tobys black and red plaid shirt hung from the corner of the door. They step out at the same time and see each other and check out if they are all okay. They don’t know where to go. A room lights up from a distance. The boys high tops thump on the floor making a loud noise. They walk over there and see that it is a small kitchen. There were 4 plates of food on the table each with a slice of bread and a glass of water. They had a feeling of discomfort to eat the food but they were undernourished. A roaring speaker comes up and scared lillian as the sandwich falls on her ripped light jeans.

        The speaker was trying to lead them all back to their rooms but they declined. The peculiar human controlling them tries their hardest to try to make them follow what he wants but they keep diminishing. They decide to walk the other way and when they get back to where they started, they see the steel door they first started off at.  It was opened with a very high ladder stuck to a wall inside of it. “I’m going up, it’s up to you guys if you wanna stay here or not.” Toby says with weariness.  They climb it with a struggle and end up at a roof. It had a tilted door on the side of it. Toby touches the doorknob and a siren goes off. It’s extremely loud and Jada bawls “whats going on!?” with fright on her face. They dont know whats happening so Alex kicks the door and it easily breaks open. It was made of wood. The alarm was so loud that the whole town could hear it.

         Police came to the open field that was uninhabited. The police take a glance around and see where it is coming from. It was coming from a distance where he sees an abandoned fortress. Police scurry and see that the 4 kids are standing at the top of the position. They call up men with stable ladders and appliances to save them from the 4 story tall building. “Help us, come on, briskly!!” They all exclaimed in fear attentive to get down. The men use all their strength to save the girls while the cops find a way in and investigate the area.  The 7 cops split apart and go around the whole thing until they hear one shout “over here!” they all bolt to him to see a big screen of multiple cameras guarding the place. The area where the friends were trapped was never found. There were pictures and videos but the underground zone postponed as a mystery. The cops exit the place and see the kids successfully on the ground. They get driven back to the police station to tell their story. They were in there for almost 2 months.  When they all arrive there, parents are waiting and relieved to see their children okay. But these friends are never gonna go anywhere alone again.

The author's comments:

A group of teenage friends go on a trip together and when the tran stops, they end up in a weird undergound place. they get trapped and controlled and say down there for a long time.

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